Yes, the only thing you need. All that other stuff is just fears. A bible, some batteries to recharge speakers and phone, so you can play gospelmusic, set to go. That being said, I used to fear the terrible weather, so I do have like 15 days worth of food stored. For those who finds it OK to kill animals, food should not be an issue, animals all around if a foodshortage, so do not get that one. A farm is a dime a dozen, and you have deer, moose, caribous and rabbits all over the place, so why not get some traps and guns instead of food, or in addition to food supply. I do not get why some preppers plan for 2 weeks of essentials, if they envision apoclyptic plagues lasting forever. Not an issue for me, food safety, energysafety, etc, but if I had theese fears I would get some materials and blueprints for traps. I can make bevertraps, so I would do that if I was worried. And why the fear when the rivers are full of fish?Is it survival or convenience one must ask himself. Buy some chickens, 20 chickens, you get 10 eggs a day, get some flour, and you are good to go for months.