Well hopefully you don't mind me posting (as a single) in the family forum thread. I just happen to be here and the thread title caught my eye.
It's an interesting question. It seems uh, more dangerous somehow. I can't quite explain why, but I'll attempt.
Barring rather disheartening things like gold-digging from females from a foreign country or "using" a man in order to obtain citizenship (which I'm sure does occur) you kind of accept that as something that is a likelihood. There probably are sincere females that are legitimate believers and may have been led to that option for whatever reason despite the "grime" of having to basically put yourself up on a market (which is somewhat like online dating is for me to a much lesser degree btw). It still is somewhat pragmatic and I don't see it as a non-option entirely. My personal issue is the meeting itself in person and based off how much it costs to go back and forth to "court" it seems fraught with challenges that are probably insurmountable for most.
^That's for men seeking wives.
For a female seeking husbands, instead of a gold-digger/ulterior motivation you would now have a con-man to look out for and that some of these places are
quite dangerous for females to visit. Men aren't trafficked and if they are, it is probably 1/100,000 as a 30+ adult, or something absurdly low.
Females it's quite the contrary. You'd have to fly the man over to court them to be safe and that would be incredibly expensive as you would basically have to buy him a life/living quarters near by to get to know him and vet him. Perhaps look into how often females get conned versus males. This isn't anything sexist, it's just that most con-men are men going after particular things...and the female cons are "usually" after a different prize...namely unlimited access to funds/privileges preying off desperation in a different way.
Males take advantage of females in different ways than females take advantage of men. Occasionally they are close, but generally speaking (as a woman) you could probably discern some differences.
Then again, a female would know "her" risks in a way that I couldn't properly speak to entirely being male.
It just seems WAY riskier. You also have the possibility that his culture is very male centric, to the point of subjugation of females, which is not Christ-like and even if he knows the Lord, there may be some bias and quite a few things to work though together that would be entirely unique in that situation...to the point where I guess it would be pointless to go further since this is hypothetical.
Interesting question. I rather enjoyed thinking about something that hasn't ever crossed my mind...but did you mean the U.S specifically? If so, see above

If not, then they already do that by being available to men in the U.S. Of course, the "actual" Christian field would be considerably more difficult to find, if not impossible without the Lord's direction/guidance.