1. and 2.: Christians in America are being persecuted by liberals and homosexuals tyrannically wielding the government, via Civil Rights legislation intended to normalize race and gender, to severely persecute moral Americans who refuse to facilitate immoral activities (note: an activity is not a person) which violate their moral free conscience and religious convictions toward morality which are human rights and something our Bill of Rights was originally designed to protect. My assertion is a true fact and your assertion to the contrary is false.
The case of Christian small business owners are one such example who's criminal and civil lawsuits are all working their way to the U.S. Supreme Court right now. Take the case of the Colorado baker who is currently appealing his federal conviction for refusing to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding. He stated that he would happily sell anyone any of his goods and services for any moral event whatsoever; however, could not violate his free moral conscience and religious convictions toward morality and facilitate an event that was normatively immoral.
He now faces imprisonment with rapists, murderers, violent criminals; a status as a criminal felon for the rest of his life (same as murderers, rapists, etc...); and hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines that do not wash in bankruptcy court ensuring that both he and his family will live in abject poverty for the rest of his life.
Additionally, homosexual activitists targeted his vendors and customers engaging in economic terrorism against his business. They even went so far as to make violent threats against his minor children and threatened him with death. The threatening emails he received were shared with the Blaze a libertarian publication that acknowledged receipt of them in their news story.
“You stupid bible thumping, hypocritical b***h. I hope your kids get really, really, sick and you go out of business,” one e-mail said. “Here’s hoping you go out of business, you bigot. Enjoy hell,” said another. Some said he might be shot for not making the cake, while one called for him to be homosexually raped. "Some have even wished for the couple’s five children to be stricken with illness," their lawyer added.
All over a single cake for an event that is historically normatively immoral. This IS SEVERE persecution against Christians in the U.S. make no mistake.
Threats of physical violence against those who do not support and facilitate homosexual behavior is nothing new. Last May, for example, 16-year-old Madeleine McAulay was targeted with hate and death threats after she posted a video on YouTube supporting traditional marriage. All over the U.S. it continues in and out of court and usually associated with the now normal death threats and threats of extreme violence from the left.
In 2012, Texas-based Liberty Institute and Washington-based Family Research Council produced a report listing numerous recent legal cases showing that U.S. government agencies around the U.S. are violating the human rights of and Constitutional rights of Christians by trying to push Christian expression out the door and criminalize Christians for that expression:
“It is dramatic,” says Liberty Institute Founder Kelly Shackleford, of the recent hike in reported incidents of persecution. “I have been doing these types of cases for almost 25 years now. I have never seen the levels of attacks like these and how quickly they are now proliferating.” Shackleford says government, from schools to social programs, is the ringleader.
“There are children being prohibited from writing Merry Christmas to the soldiers, senior citizens being banned from praying over their meals in the Senior Center, the VA banning the mention of God in military funerals, numerous attempts to have veterans memorials torn down if they have any religious symbols such as a cross, and I could go on and on,” Shackleford said.
It's gotten so bad that even the leftist oriented ACLU has begun agitating to stop the persecution of Christians which homosexuals and liberals in the U.S. are engaging in within and without their positions in government.
Several legal coalitions have also stepped up because they see a need something as government was not only involved in the persecution but also failing to adequately protect Christians from homosexual and liberal extremists and their anti-Christian virility.
According to some experts a pattern is emerging reminiscent of Jewish persecution in post war Germany. "Isolation of, and discrimination against Christians is growing almost geometrically" says Don McAlvany (geopolitical analyst) in The Midnight Herald. "This is the way it started in Germany against the Jews. As they became more isolated and marginalized by the Nazi propaganda machine, as popular hatred and prejudice against the Jews increased among the German people, wholesale persecution followed. Could this be where the growing anti-Christian consensus in America is taking us?"
Maybe we should ask the woman in Houston, Texas who was ordered by local police to stop handing out gospel tracts to children who knocked on her door during Halloween informing her that such activity is illegal (not true), and that she would be arrested if she continued.
And worldwide, Pew Research reported in 2014 that "Christians continue to be the world's most oppressed religious group, with persecution reported in 110 countries." They stayed that harassment against Christians for their faith extended to 151 countries.
In light of the facts, I would tell you to take your own advice and NOT "be an imbecile."
3. Now you asked me if I know what the First Amendment is. Yes, I do.
As I stated in another thread, the founding fathers were interested in a cooperation between church and state not state over church or church over state which U.S. historians refer to as Jeffersonianism which was based in the natural-law view of early America allowing for a fruitful Jeffersonianism (in contrast to secularism and reconstructionism) that remained relatively stable until the Stone v Graham in 1980.
Against secularism, Jeffersonianism denies that there is no divinely given moral (natural) law as a basis for government; against reconstructionism, Jeffersonianism denies that any special revelation from God is the divinely prescribed basis for civil government. It also denies that any national church should be the established religion of the land, thus allowing religious freedom of belief for all groups.
By basing civil government in "Nature's Law," which comes from "God," American morality was established without establishing any religion, except a broad belief in the Creator God, who gave these "unalienable rights," a belief that, according to God, is part of the general (or natural) revelation to all humankind (Rom. 1:19-20).
Thus, by basing government in natural, universal, moral law, Jeffersonianism avoids antinomianism (secularism) on the one hand and state-mandated religion (reconstructionism) on the other which allowed a Bill of Rights to be drafted that curbed government aggression toward natural law with it's requisite human rights in the areas of speech and religion and also that of, as Jefferson asserted "a free moral conscience."
Their political thought extended from antiquity with philosophers like Cicero (106–43 B.C.) who recognized that some laws were contrary to natural law (Cicero De Leg. 2.5.13–14) and Roman jurists that understood a legal decision could be reached that accorded with legal principle but was not fair right through to men like Aquinas who said, "God governs all creation. Natural law is the participation of rational creatures in this eternal law. Human law is the application of natural law to local communities" to men like G C Berkouwer who said, "Natural law therefore represents merely the constancy and regularity of the divine purposes. The natural order no less than the human expresses God’s personal control."
All of the founding fathers writings incorporate this thought including their Declaration, Constitution, and Bill of Rights. So naturally, all U.S. precedent through the 20th century did too.
This idea that one can extend civil rights legislation to groups of people based on historically normative immoral behaviors such as homosexuality, beastility, pedaphilia, etc... and then allow people engaged in such normatively immoral behaviors to wield the U.S. government as an agent of tyranny imprisoning and bankrupting every normatively moral American in the U.S. who refuses to facilitate a historically normative immoral activity when ordered to do so is a brand new development directly opposing everything that preceded it in the U.S. which was originally designed to prevent such a thing from occurring.
Understand that in its normative sense, "morality" refers to whatever is actually right or wrong independent of the values, mores, or legal constructs held by any particular people or culture. Normative immorality has been clearly defined in Western normative ethics for a very long time.
The problem is that liberals no longer respect liberty as they did under classical liberalism. Somewhere the freedom to let others say and be in accordance with natural law which posits a normative ethics with respect to human rights and law transitioned into a bizarre idea that a person’s speech, beliefs and attitudes are inseparable from who he or she is as an individual and community participant and anyone who refuses to facilitate an activity that is historically normatively immoral, if it is protected by a civil rights law that itself may be normatively immoral, must be severely persecuted in a tyrannica way by the state.
The progressive agenda isn't the simple acceptance of persons who are different or believe or behave differently in line with classical tolerance but rather an intolerant tyranical wielding of state force against all who retain a normative morality. And THAT should give even liberals a moment of pause to reflect what monsters they are becoming as they agitate for an American gulag respite with the mass imprisonment and bankrupting of every moral American small business owner in the United States of America that refuses to facilitate and immoral event though they would happily offer ALL of their goods and services to ANYONE for ANY normative moral purpose whatsoever.
That should give you pause to reflect on the monster that YOU are becoming.
1. Christians in America are not being persecuted by the gay community. 2. Giving gays rights does not force you to be gay, partake in gay activities, or force you to personally support these gay activities. Don't be an imbecile. 3. Do you even know what the First Amendment is?