I have gone over all my posts and yours, both of you.
Did I ever say an accident is murder? You have said so.
I did review and research various points and I will say this, all killing is murder, be it delibrate or acccidental. This is why thre is accidental homicide.
I would not be so ridicualous as to call a traffic death or other deliberate, but it is death.
War is not an excuse for killing unless God sens you out with ordres to kill. He has not done this since Old Testament times, and if you actualy can read, read in the New Testament how those events are described by the Word as ensamples..look it up.
As far as speaking in God' stead, all who believe Jesus Chrisst are allowed to repeat His teachings with understanding giving Him all glory.
I know all sins are forgiven men, but never tell me destruction of life is permitted. KIng David's example is a perfect example of this, yet his guilt was never held against him, he wa guilty of blood.
Dance around that political argument all you wil. YOu seem to think the USA is the only place on earth with believers. I have seen this same attitude in many countries.
Again, I have reviewed all that I have posted, and I know killing with intent is murder.....do not be ridictulous about accidental killing.........this is why the word accident is used in these instances.
Do not worry, you have your great men in the White House advicing now, Buchanan, his son, and others. Theyi will make everything better for themselves it is certain
Actually, you seem very against the God of the OT. But clearly if anyone dares disagrees with you, they are wrong because you speak for God.
Same choice to make. What's your choice?