We are living in a time when the very wealthy are telling the working class and even the poorer of our fellows in strife that the taxes they have paid for health, education and welfare is of no effect in the governing body. The government(s) tell those who fall ill that any medical treatment they receive due to what they have paid in for it is a gift, and they do not deserve it, even though all py into the vaired health services of varied countries.
Soon enough, those retired who are collecting on the money they have paid into the SS coffers all of their lives will be told the money they have received is a gift, and undeserved.
The very wealthy are so stupid they are destroying their own consumer base. Now, who will buy manufactured goods and services if the very wealthy have destroyed the economic base of the entire west.
Does a landowner underpay his workers so that they cannot even buy the wheat they harvest? No, that would be diabolical.
The current atrocity in Virginia is but a small reflection of the workings of evil in play today.
I have witnessed changes unbelievable in governments and society. They actually do not surprise me since I believe God, but I do worry a lot about those who walk in darkenss, and the generation(s) to come, if there will be any at all.
It is time for all who claim to believe Jesus Christ to think on all of this and ask where they each stand, with the Lord of Heaven, or that other guy.
God bless all who are truly in Jesus Christ... Please, do all you are given to be able to listen to Him and hear Him.