I'm starting to be convinced God has raised up the whole Christian nationalist and MAGA business as part of His judgment on this country.
Yea we have been saying that for months, that was like the main plotline of the election. Glad to see you're starting to see past the poison of the sadducee, but you still have much more to see. Christian Nationalism isn't even real, it's a fake epithet that Satan's kids made up. MAGA is a slogan, not a movement, the movement behind Trump was a much broader coalition this time around so that for one this represents America wanting to repent, and for two it means Trump will have to serve as a greater representative to more people. The election was about choosing between the blessings and the curses. Trump represented the path forward to the blessings, the democrats having made themselves the anti-Christian party represented the curses.
Praise Jesus for his marvellous judgments vindicating the faithful and revealing the depths of the enemy. Now even the democrats will have a chance to repent and reform so that they don't have to be the party of Satan anymore. Praise Jesus the mighty Lord, the judgment for which he raised up Trump is mercy and blessings. This is even beyond Trump himself, and Trump is just a piece on the board, clay in the hand of the supreme potter, the Lord God. America has been given a second chance, given life instead of death, blessings instead of curses. Yet this is not a permanant thing for the generations of America have done incredible amounts of wickedness for which generations like them were destroyed. God will show mercy and blessings to see if this will cause them to repent sufficiently that he need not destroy them in our days, but that will come in the latter days. Make the most of the blessings and repent and remember to praise Jesus