No, democrats steal from the top-down in the name of cute catch phrases like "wealth equality, social justice, everyone getting their "fair-share", civil liberties, etc" just a way to steal from those who earn legitimately and give it to the illegitimate....
words have power and they use it to great effect to guilt-trip those who oppose their domination.....
anyone also notice how two career fields of politicians/lawyers never get their pay cut, or their trade/career "regulated" like obama-care did with medical people, car manufacturing exported to mexico and asia did to detroit? (the auto-bail out is laughable as it did nothing to help people but pad GM and Chrysler's pockets..., and the list could go on and on but the lawyers always have a cushy job...hmmm........
democrats don't give a damn about people they just use them like cattle to stay in power via votes.....