I think you mistake me.I have no issue with black people. I have wonderful black friends.But I do talk to them and try and show them that the Dems have taken advantage of them and their vote since Andrew Jackson. I live in the south and more than once I've corrected people on their racism and told them they were wrong. A friend of my mothers said races shouldn't mix,then tried to use the Bible to back her opinion. I told her straight out that she was wrong and that her opinion was racist. I thought she'd never speak to me again. So I will defend my black brothers and sisters when it is right to do so.But when it is wrong I will also say they are wrong.
I just think at this moment in history, a black American telling other black Americans that the crux of their problems are not whites or police or republicans, but rather Democrats, 75% illegitimcy rate, race hustlers, and a lying media, carries more weight than me saying it.
So I want them to know I love them and I know you do too.