I was fortunate enough that I got the exposure I needed to these hard truths before hand. The reason
Just doing my part to help point out some things that are not often pointed out. This kind of narrative it not only plausible, but likely. Why would the media not alert us to this? Because they have an agenda. They will never entertain opinions that counter their agenda.
You won't hear the kind of opinions I espouse often, either, at least not outside of this message board, and maybe a few others, because it normally eventually gets censored. This message board seems pretty safe, though, but sites like this are forced into the corners of the internet.
The prime real estates of the internet practice heavy censorship of the truth. The truth is out there but not a lot of people talk about it. It honestly looks like the mainstream media, politicians, mainstream social media, and the entertainment industry coordinate with each other to match narratives.
Ever seen what happens to one of their own when they break script? They usually get sent to "rehab", blacklisted, ostracized, or depersoned.
It's a strange world out there for sure. You sound like you are doing a good job seeing through the lies.
Just doing my part to help point out some things that are not often pointed out. This kind of narrative it not only plausible, but likely. Why would the media not alert us to this? Because they have an agenda. They will never entertain opinions that counter their agenda.
You won't hear the kind of opinions I espouse often, either, at least not outside of this message board, and maybe a few others, because it normally eventually gets censored. This message board seems pretty safe, though, but sites like this are forced into the corners of the internet.
The prime real estates of the internet practice heavy censorship of the truth. The truth is out there but not a lot of people talk about it. It honestly looks like the mainstream media, politicians, mainstream social media, and the entertainment industry coordinate with each other to match narratives.
Ever seen what happens to one of their own when they break script? They usually get sent to "rehab", blacklisted, ostracized, or depersoned.
It's a strange world out there for sure. You sound like you are doing a good job seeing through the lies.
People aren't discussing things and I think we should. We have what is known as a "normalcy bias" where we tend to think that things are going to continue on as they always have, but we as citizens should confront the fact that FEMA camps are likely prepared for us. It's a frightening thought and I tend to push it out of my consciousness. I need to pray to see what God is leading towards but I think that we all have the duty to learn what is really planned for us RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE AND PREPARE FOR IT. Churches should unite.
I think we should revisit the Christian Armenien genocide to remind ourselves that this really does happen. It's hard to believe it's happening in America but it's collapsing around us and no one is organized. I hope that people on here will urge their Pastors to unite with other Pastors as unity is where strength is.
Remember Solzhenitsyn’s words in the GULAG ARCHIPELAGO: “Resistance should have began right there but it did not begin. You aren’t gagged, you really can and you really ought to cry out that arrests are being made on the strength of false accusations. If many such outcries had been heard all over the city would arrests have no longer have been so easy.”
They, the tyrants, can’t work in the public eye. Those people who were so apathetic, hoping that nothing was really wrong, that nothing would happen to their persons and property, sat back and watched.
If you think that all (that) is necessary is to pay your bills, to go vote when there is an election, and to stand back during the rest of tht year and watch as your country and way of life are replaced by a system in which you will be a slave in a concentration camp, you – not the conspirators – are guilty because you, by silent acquiescence, invite tyranny and oppression.
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