Hi Katy... Why are you offended at that post u responded to? It wasn't an attack on u or anyone
He basically just talks about an article he read and about praying for his sister.
Please read his post again, there is no reason for any indignation as im sure he didn't mean to offend anyone
Anyway... This pain that your experiencing... Can u continue to mourn like this every day and live a healthy and happy life???
I know i couldn't. Im 43 and my ex left me for a rich old man about 6-7 years ago...
It broke me in a way that i never knew was possible.
I mourned not having a child. I mourned not having a partner. I dreaded living the rest of my life without a family. Add to that was my work/financial situation, drug addiction and the fact that i hadn't yet came back to God... The evil one had driven me to the edge of the cliff, literally, i had made a suicide plan...
i really hope that your torment isn't leading you down this same path.
I had to reach a place of acceptance. I know i will never have a family, i know that once my parents are gone that i will have no one to love and no one will love me... And now... Im at peace with that, as much as i can be anyway. Thinking about it is still disappointing.
Anyway, i hope you got something from reading about my situation... It ain't just u girls, its us boys too.
And i hope God helps to ease your pain
He basically just talks about an article he read and about praying for his sister.
Please read his post again, there is no reason for any indignation as im sure he didn't mean to offend anyone
Anyway... This pain that your experiencing... Can u continue to mourn like this every day and live a healthy and happy life???
I know i couldn't. Im 43 and my ex left me for a rich old man about 6-7 years ago...
It broke me in a way that i never knew was possible.
I mourned not having a child. I mourned not having a partner. I dreaded living the rest of my life without a family. Add to that was my work/financial situation, drug addiction and the fact that i hadn't yet came back to God... The evil one had driven me to the edge of the cliff, literally, i had made a suicide plan...
i really hope that your torment isn't leading you down this same path.
I had to reach a place of acceptance. I know i will never have a family, i know that once my parents are gone that i will have no one to love and no one will love me... And now... Im at peace with that, as much as i can be anyway. Thinking about it is still disappointing.
Anyway, i hope you got something from reading about my situation... It ain't just u girls, its us boys too.
And i hope God helps to ease your pain
Also, as much as Satan and his minions tempt us to disobey God, it's ultimately our decision to rebel. We might listen to "the evil one", but we are the ones that walk ourselves to the edge of the cliff. Having said that, I'm glad you didn't follow through with your plan to kill yourself. Perhaps God can use your story as a testimony of redemption by coming to Christ. Not just redemption in the "I'm content to be a believer and alive", but thriving... potentially with a righteous desire you have had by taking the necessary steps to obtain a family. I wouldn't finish writing your book at 43...
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