They committed a crime of shooting someone that by all facts was innocent. They may had truly believed he was a criminal and intentions do matter as to why they may not get a death Verdict. But in the end the facts played against their beliefs.
Racism isnt a fake crime if proven. As in if they have writings supporting their hate of another race then yes that was a motive. Or some call it hate crimes.
I disagree with hate crime because technically all crime is hate. It is just another sentence to slap on more prison time.
No, if you watch the video it is very clear that this man initiated an assault upon them, so he is not innocent. It doesn't really matter whether or not he is actually the person the broke into the homes (though there are some pretty compelling videos of this also), because it is not a crime to stop someone and ask them something. It is a crime it physically assault someone though.
Racism is a fakecrime because it is purely subjective and based upon deceptions, opinions, and emotions. This is why Satan's children, the children of the lie, cleave to such fakecrimes quite a bit in this day and age and they don't ever do that which is right nor that which is just. They are outraged by fakecrimes, which are essentially lies, but when actual evil things are done they are always so silent, or even will defend the wicked.