I voted for Trump but I have trouble answering this question. Overall I think he supports the issues Christians care about, but his personal life/morality leave a lot to be desired. People always point out his divorces, cheating on his marriages with porn stars, disrespectful to women, boastful, anti-immigrant/racist, the list goes on.
What is your best response, especially about his personal life? People don't buy the "everyone is a sinner" argument.
What is your best response, especially about his personal life? People don't buy the "everyone is a sinner" argument.
Does anyone else have to defend who they vote for? Why does the far left, who hate Christians, suddenly care about morality?! It's hilarious to me. Let's uncover everyones sins in Washington and see who's left standing. The far left, who booed God, I say they booed God, at their convention and hissed at Jerusalem being the capitol of Israel and are pushing a socialist agenda, open borders, gay/trans AND infanticide has NO RIGHT pointing at Christians !!! And yes, I know that was a run on sentence. But that annoys the crap out of me. And then Hollywood, Hollywood joins in!! As if they aren't the den of inequity of the whole country. So spare me the nonsense of the MSM. Trump is human and flawed. If you're a Christian, pray for him if you aren't you're in the same boat you say he is. That's what I tell people. Perfect people don't go to heaven, forgiven people do.
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