a good analysis Max,
God 'tempts' no man, he only TESTS,,.to prove to us' where we are in our walk,
to where we are in our learning of obedience, thus showing us to whom our
Loyalty really belongs to...this is deep stuff here, Loyalty and Obedience and such...
Right, the bible says God tempts no man.
But the process of testing, if it is to test our obedience, must allow us to be either obedient or disobedient... and therefore some kind of temptation must exist, even if this temptation is only latent.
We cannot be tested for obedience without some temptation to be disobedient;
the temptation must be intrinsic to the test for the testing to occur.
Without the temptation, no testing can occur.
Like I said, there is scripture that says God does not tempt, but temptation occurs when we are drawn away by our own lusts.
So the temptation can be latent, and be within our own hearts.
But the testing cannot occur without the existence of temptation.
Though God does NOT directly tempt us, he must ALLOW for temptation to exist for any testing to occur.