the problem is an heart problem.
no amount of training and no kind of law is going to make the officer take his knee off the unresponsive man's neck when it becomes undeniably obvious to him that he does not need to restrain the man anymore and that he is doing him undue harm by doing so. no law and no schooling will stop the people who beat or killed innocent men and women when they were trying to defend themselves or their property, or simply passing by.
no law and no education will cause someone to make the right decision in a situation. laws and education can cause people to know what the right decision or action is, but they cannot cause a person to do what is right.
the Torah says love your neighbor. that never caused anyone to love their neighbor. it can cause people to act like they have love, because of fear of punishment or because of a sense of obligation & duty -- but it does not cause love.
the law only makes sin evident; it doesn't change a person's heart. a law can influence behavior, but it cannot change an heart. laws and education highlight evil and attempt to contain it; they don't address it. they are not root-cause solutions.
and law can only influence behavior up to a point: some people are not deterred by the threat of punishment. some people are actually provoked to do what brings punishment because of the threat of punishment; some people simply don't care about the threat of punishment; to some people some other motivation is greater than the motivation of avoiding punishment; some people believe they can escape punishment and others are ignorant of the threat of punishment, or forget it in their passion.
law and knowledge cannot change a person's heart, and they can only partially modify behavior - not completely.
will is free, and people's hearts are evil. this is ultimately the problem.
the only solution is the only thing that can change a person's inner being: the problem in its distillation is sin, and the only solution is Christ.
no amount of training and no kind of law is going to make the officer take his knee off the unresponsive man's neck when it becomes undeniably obvious to him that he does not need to restrain the man anymore and that he is doing him undue harm by doing so. no law and no schooling will stop the people who beat or killed innocent men and women when they were trying to defend themselves or their property, or simply passing by.
no law and no education will cause someone to make the right decision in a situation. laws and education can cause people to know what the right decision or action is, but they cannot cause a person to do what is right.
the Torah says love your neighbor. that never caused anyone to love their neighbor. it can cause people to act like they have love, because of fear of punishment or because of a sense of obligation & duty -- but it does not cause love.
the law only makes sin evident; it doesn't change a person's heart. a law can influence behavior, but it cannot change an heart. laws and education highlight evil and attempt to contain it; they don't address it. they are not root-cause solutions.
and law can only influence behavior up to a point: some people are not deterred by the threat of punishment. some people are actually provoked to do what brings punishment because of the threat of punishment; some people simply don't care about the threat of punishment; to some people some other motivation is greater than the motivation of avoiding punishment; some people believe they can escape punishment and others are ignorant of the threat of punishment, or forget it in their passion.
law and knowledge cannot change a person's heart, and they can only partially modify behavior - not completely.
will is free, and people's hearts are evil. this is ultimately the problem.
the only solution is the only thing that can change a person's inner being: the problem in its distillation is sin, and the only solution is Christ.
The most beautiful, heartbeaking, and impactful moments, and a moment that drove my personal short driveway to God, was in 2006 when 5 children were murdered in an Amish school in Lancaster Co. Penn. A man driven by his own heart killed the children and himself. I saw on tv when the families of the little ones walked away. Walked home. All in deep grief and unfounded confusion and all the dark emotion associated with losing a child, two chidren, then five - they walked home. Never spoke to the press, never answered the questions, never sought revenge, no post interviews, no association. They wiped their feet and walked home. And if anyone will not welcome you or heed your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town. Matt 10:14.
And so, the quote from Posthuman "the only solution is the only thing that can change a person's inner being: the problem in its distillation is sin, and the only solution is Christ."
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