Owning human beings was an accepted practice until the end of the civil war. Many of the greatest leaders of that bygone era owned human beings. My friend, we can not change history. Let bygones be bygones. Today, the only place where we can effect change, we need a lot less chest beating, and a lot more common sense.
It has been almost 160 years since the practice of owning slaves has ended. Monuments of past leaders mean little or nothing to the progress of our nation. Removing them will not solve our problems.
If you really want to solve the problems of the nations poor, get off your back side and help run the drug dealers and gangs out of them. Don't glorify rioting, de-fund police departments, or dependency on the government. The demonstrators would have accomplished more the first by forming a circle around the businesses of the community and tossing out the imported agitators, than they have in the two weeks since. If you think you don't need the police, while protecting their businesses, circle the police department. Show them that there is no need for them. Violet riots don't show anything, but the need for more police.
Moving monuments is nothing more that a feel good exercise. Something to get peoples' mind off the real issue. Have fun moving them. When they are all gone, not a single thing will have changed.