I wish you had the slightest inkling how construction operates. It can often cost a contractor or developer hundreds of thousands when a sub screws up.
To begin with, the GC is usually working on borrowed money. And if the job goes past a preset date, it can cost thousands in additional penalties for every day the job goes over that date.
If a sub screws up, the GC can no longer make advantageous deals to have that work torn out, and then have a new sub come in and do it right. He is under the gun, with his back against the wall... and the people he now needs to hire know this. He often has to pay double the going rate to fix what the original sub messed up... AND the whole job (sometimes a half-dozen other subs also) is delayed. This extends the finance period well into the penalty days...... costing the GC thousands.
On a real job, you are not just looking at one guy, doing one job. If that sub screws up (if ANY sub screws up) it affects dozens, or even hundreds, of other workers who were originally scheduled to be in that building, working..... But they can't (costing extra $ due to a violation of their contracted START time) because the original guy's work has to be ripped our (costing extra $) and all his work has to be redone (costing MUCH more $)............... And if you cannot regain the lost time (and often you can't) the ripple effect costs the GC more $ every time another sub has to delay his contracted START time...... not to mention all those finance penalties that the GC now has to pay, DAILY, for every day the job runs over the projected finish date.
A sloppy sub hurts everyone... especially the GC and/or the developer.