I saw this book online and read an excerpt of it where it shared some stats. The thing is that we often back things before we know how it will affect society down the road. Read the following...
“Between 1993 and 2001, whileNorway recorded 196,000 heterosexual marriages, the countrywitnessed the legal registration of only 1,293 homosexual partnerships.”4The situation is similar in Sweden. But the mostglaring statistic might be the high incidence of divorce amonghomosexuals in these countries. The divorce rate among malepartnerships is 50 percent higher than that for heterosexualmarriages, and the divorce rate among female partnerships isdouble that of the males.5 In response to these numbers andthe fact that most homosexual couples do not actually get marriedeven when they can, Mark Christopher, author of Same-SexMarriage: Is It Really the Same? concludes, “[Same-sex marriage]is not about marriage, it is about destroying the traditionallyChristian idea of the family.”
If anyone is inclined to think that civil unions are a better alternativethan same-sex marriage, let’s look at what is happeningin France. Their “civil solidarity pacts” have been created forhomosexuals so that they can file joint income tax returns andreceive welfare and unemployment benefits. France took this astep further than same-sex partnerships and made these pactsavailable to everyone, including cohabiting heterosexual couples,to widowed sisters, even to priests and their housekeepers.Because these pacts are easier to enter and easier to exit, andimpose fewer legal obligations, many heterosexual couples enterinto these agreements rather than getting married. If these couplesthink that these pacts provide a stable home environment forchildren, they should keep in mind that the rate of separationamong cohabiting couples is five times that of married couples,and the reconciliation rate of cohabitors is only 33 percent of therate among married couples....
Quote "The argument over gay marriage is only incidentally and secondarilyan argument over gays. What it is first and fundamentallyis an argument over marriage, . . . gay marriage willturn out in practice to mean the creation of an alternativeform of legal coupling that will be available to homosexualand heterosexuals alike. Gay marriage, as the French arevividly demonstrating, does not extend marital rights; it abolishesmarriage and puts a new, flimsier institution in its place.9Consider: If marriage is no longer the union of one man andone woman but rather any two persons who want to cohabit, whois to say that it must be limited to two people? Why not a trio ofthree men or women? And why not one man with two wives orten? After all, we must extend “equal rights” to all individuals tolive according to any arrangement they wish, right? The end resultis the destruction of marriage as we know it—with childrenthe losers. It is simply not possible to have two views of marriagecoexist in any one country or society.
.... listen to homosexual authorAndrew Sullivan (a political conservative and professingCatholic). He says that most homosexuals understand that sexualcommitment in a marriage “is much broader than what nearly allheterosexual couples will tolerate.” Homosexuals, he says, have a“need for extramarital outlets” and therefore same-sex marriagewill make adultery more acceptable for all married couples.
Douglas Kmiec, current law professorat Pepperdine University and previous head of the Office of LegalCounsel for Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush says,
"The first step would be to make a successful political casefor government to add sexual orientation to generally applicablenondiscrimination laws. That is being activelypursued in legal journals and legislative assemblies. Werethat advocacy effort successful, it could then be arguedthat a religious organization that excludes gays and lesbiansfrom its marital rites could be denied its tax exemption.The rub, of course, would be explaining why denying theexemption would not violate a religious organization’srights of organizational and expressive association. Arguments dismissingthese rights are being advanced in legal writing and theydeserve to be taken seriously."
If Christians are so blinded by the world that they don't see gay marriage as a direct attack on the family,the foundation of society founded by God himself,they need to do some deep study and prayer. The idea of live and let live is a secular one and its not of God. Our children are our future,its often said.And if that is true we need to protect them from these false ideas that its ok to be gay,that there is no gender and being lqponmtihfsd is fine. Christians have gone down the path,divorce,adultery,living together has all contributed to the damage of children and the family.And we have swallowed it all down and now its gay marriage we are suppose to accept. Then we wonder why we have such mess up young people,like we had nothing to do with it,like its wasn't our fault. We need an old fashioned revival. From the pulpit to the pew.Heaven help us and Lord forgive us.