They are waiting for January 2022 for all prices to increase. There is hints of that now, but the full scale deliberations will begin in the new year. It’s been a long time coming, governments have just been holding the tide back. But, it’s not a time to stock up, but rather to trust the LORD even more than we have in the past. For the last several years our Father has been telling me and those around us to seek the kingdom of God now, and not seek how to survive. God has been incredible. I have never seen Him work so fast when a need arose, He would meet it every time.
For example, I was selling off a house that we didn’t need and it was becoming a burden. I asked Him to take care of it ASAP. The real estate agent came in, looked at the house and he said, “I grew up around here and I always loved this house, I will buy it right now”. THAT FLOORED ME. I was flabbergasted. I asked for $65,000, he offered $75,000, I ended up with $77,000. That was just two weeks ago and I am still reeling over how fast the LORD wanted us to be free from unnecessary things.
These are the days to trust Him in all things. We have been doing things our way for so long, now it’s time to ask and receive, seek and find, knock and doors open.