LooK!!! Jennymea has 666 post! I knew it!
Oh, brother, lol. Mitspa, I was just about to head out, been long overdue to get off this merrygoround, and I popped over here and saw your post and literally laughed out loud. Not just an inner one , but you actually got me to laff, something I haven't done in quite some time. (Actually got a tear in the corner of my eye thinking about that, so even the laff got tempered a bit, but that's ok, thank you so much anyway.....what timing, lol)
I have to say too, I don't think jenny or rsb is evil, and I hope they don't get that from us here. Deep down inside that can be a pretty scary thing, and Jesus loves them every bit as much or more as a wretch like me....but I know you know that.
Sure, we want to drown the witches, right before we burn them, but still...... Lol. THAT'S A JOKE EVERYBODY, OKAY???
I have to say, too, that the one who said something about having kids wasn't too cool. I understand the frustration level here, I call a dope a dope when I see fit, but having kids or not can be a really sensitive personal issue, and should really be off-limits here.
If I may,I'll apologize for whoever made that comment, I don't believe it was meant to cut personally like a knife to the heart, just that we're so frustrated over the leftists and company destroying America, we don't want any more kids being raised with their lies, for the good of everyone.
If that's not what he meant, then I apologize for speaking for him.

Ok, gotta go, and, lol, thanks again, mitspa.
And Utah and Lijo, thank you too, God bless you richly.