Another way of thinking of it.
Labour want to give everything away to the poor. Benefits, get rid of student fees, free
OAP care, nationalise the railways, build houses for poor, tax tax and tax the rich to
pay for it. etc and bankrupt us in the process. Labour also want to cut the military and
get rid of the nuclear defence deterrent. (Not that everything they want is bad,
some is good).
Conservative (also called Tories) want all the scrounging poor to work even for a pittance.
They want to sanction people who can't find work, make everyone pay for everything,
cut benefits and pensions. Get more people to pay for own health care. Give big tax
incentives to the rich and encourage business. (They like playing Scrooge but again not
everything is bad).
Then there are the liberals, they call themselves liberals but it has nothing to do with
policy it's just their name. No one knows what they want they have never been in
power independantly. They did form a coalition government with conservatives at one
point. But all they seem interested in doing is trying to change the voting system in their
favour. In the hope one day they will make it big.
None of the above have any connection to religion. So in that senses none are liberal
or traditional in regards to past values and God.
In the past I have voted Labour, but this time I just could not vote for someone
so contrary as Corbyn, he seemed to change his mind from one day to the next.
Plus we really do not need someone who will not bankrupt the county in the middle of
Brexit. He only got as many votes as he did because he said he would cancel all student
fees. So all the students voted for him - poor deluded souls!
He didnt say where the money was going to come from to pay for all the fees.
Plus in the UK, students don't have to start paying back their student loan until they
are earning over £21,000. So if they never get a decent job, they never have to pay
it back. Plus when they do start to pay it back, it's only something like £30 a month
if that! They probably spend more on beer each month than that. So really there was
no reason to cancel all student fees. But the students thought he was the best thing
since sliced bread.
Thats why I don't like Corbyn, I like people who are straight, not conniving trying to get
the popular vote in sly roundabout ways. If 5 year olds could vote he would have
offered them free lollipops just to get their vote.
Oh and there was another massive issue, it came out that some students got two votes,
one in their home town and another in their university town. A petition was started
asking for an investigation.
Nigel Farage says Labour excelled at General Election because students voted twice | UK | News |