Just so ya know:
SAARS was also a co-ved virus. It had a kill rate of 10%. Co-ved 19 has a kill rate of less than 2% (information put out by WHO on world wide figures). EVERYONE who got SARRS went into pneumonia, and nearly all of those had to be put on ventilators. There were way fewer cases, but none the less a PANDEMIC. information from CDC website
YET....with SAARS there was NO shutdown of anything, no wearing of masks, no 'social distancing'....in other words: no test of power control over people. Are we free or slave to government control?
Trump should never have listened to those puppets at the CDC. Herd immunity has not been successful because the population is basically ISOLATED from each other. Should have been NO shutdown of anything.
Masks do not work. Recent forest fires in California had firemen using masks to filter smoke particles. Testing results were that smoke particles could pass through the mask so they were useless. Co-ved virus is smaller than smoke particles. What does that tell you?
We have flu deaths in every flu season, particularly among the elderly who succumb because of lows immune systems and underlying disease. I fall in that category but I feel keeping good hygiene and careful in crowds is all that is needed. MOST of the elderly deaths occurred in New York and New Jersey (I think the figure was 92% of deaths in elderly) and mostly because of Cuomo's decision to put co-ved patients in NURSING HOMES instead of the hospital ship whose beds went EMPTY. Should we senior citizens live the end of our lives in fear and isolation?
There are politicians calling for more shutdowns, mandatory masks, no schools, no churches.....yet people can go to bars.
The rules for radicals written by Sol Olinsky calls for just these measures if a national crisis arises.....to reshape the government into a communist type of government/Oligarchy. The ten steps he proposes are progressing just fine with our "progressive friends" in DC.
A lot of what you state is personal opinion ... so let us get some facts...
First SARS CoV-1 and SARS CoV-2 are very different viruses, different incubation period and many other things.... and this made it far easier to contain even though more virulent..
And Toronto was affected by SARS CoV-1 and yes we did have lock downs.
Herd immunity are you willing to risk your life? NO one knows how long the antibodies last in the body.. so herd immunity may not even be possible, herd immunity would mean around 3 million deaths in the USA if it is even possible
Churches opened before bars where I live.
Co-ved virus is smaller than smoke particles.
And the science and significance here?

Yes one needs a electron microscopy to see the virus .. that has no bearing on how deadly it is... smh!
The seasonal flu is not SARS CoV-2 ... while they share some symptoms the effects of the SARS CoV-2 upon the organs is far different.
By the way the virus has been named SARS CoV-2 and the disease it causes is Covid -19