Heh, yes, he is singing the song of drunkenly-blind-to reality happy multiculturalism. He is such a baby, after all
And let us not forget that his mother ran around with the Rolling Stones while she was still married to his father
I did like Pierre. I was pretty young then, also, and Margaret was almost thirty years his junior when he was captivated by her carefree flower child persona. Pierre Elliott Trudeau came to power just as I was becoming a teenager
He was all the rage back then, and actually the first to introduce a multiculturalism policy in the House of Commons (the first of its kind in the world). Little Justin was barely a twinkle in his daddy's eye then 
Magenta, I have to disagree with you about Trudeau 1.0. The first time I saw him was during the Liberal party convention when he was elected head of the party. I was so stunned by him, I decided I would never vote Liberal and I never have. (I wasn't old enough to vote for another 5 years!).
In the west, he stole our oil, gave all the advantages to eastern Canada, from rail rates to cost of oil. Alberta could have sold its oil for 2 to 3 times as much in the 70's to the US, but he forced the provincial government to send it at bargain basement rates, and charged us for the shipping. He was the first prime minister to start a debt, and almost drove the country into the ground forever. It took decades before Liberal governments were able to steer the country back to economic prosperity - they greatly resented Trudeau.
Then there was our "repatriated" constitution. We now have a situation, where our elected representatives in Parliament or the provincial legislatures can pass a law, with 100% in favour, from all parties, and a constitutional challenge can result in that law being struck down.
When Trudeau 2.0 was voted in as the head of the Liberal Party, I saw nothing but trouble coming. The last year, since the federal election, Trudeau has vindicated my fear, proving that he is actually worse than version 1.0.
As for Margeret Trudeau, a very troubled woman, no doubt about it! Sigh!