The facts in the trial clearly and without question proved justice was served.
IMHO, it was a travesty of injustice:
Zimmerman from all indications was innocent, ambushed by a young man racist who called him by the N word and repeatedly bashed Zim's head against concrete. Then without evidence, without grand jury, a political special prosecutress appeased racists by prosecuting him. Zim spent jail time over this. Zim & his parents were probably reduced to poverty. When you use a bail bondsman, I think you lose 10 percent regardless. So that alone must have cost them $100,000. Legal expenses were probably over a million dollars. Will the family ever get that back? And Zim is likely to be killed at any moment by racists.
For me the moral of the story is, if you are going to carry a gun, you must also buy & carry something like a Kimber pepper-blaster with which to protect the gun. Carrying a gun means that in a fight you are probably going to be forced to use it lest the opponent grab it & use it on you. Had Zimmerman walked around with a Kimber pepper-blaster (or equivalent), probably no fight would have ensued. If you carry a gun, you simply have to have a really powerful pepper blaster like that. You do not want to be forced to shoot someone armed only with fists & concrete pavement.