Zimmerman's statement, which the evidence supports, is that he Martin but then lost track of him and eventually got out his car only to have the teenager reappear suddenly and ask him "What's your problem?"
Not wanting to escalate the situation further, Zimmerman replied with "I don't have a problem" and began to return to his car. That's when Martin attacked punching him to the ground...
You need to get your facts straight.
Blacks comprise only 13 percent of the U.S. population
but commit 52.4 percent of U.S. homicide (FBI-2011). Their per capita rates for other serious crimes are far beyond both the mode and median.
And, as I stated, they are also the demographic most victimized by homicide and serious crime and it is by far at the hands of other blacks and to a far lesser degree non-white Hispanics. It's easy to see from this FBI expanded table:
FBI — Expanded Homicide Data Table 6 though you'll have to pull other studies to separate non-white Hispanics from the Hispanic population of criminal perpetrators.
^ In 2011, for example, 193 "whites" ("whites" are 72.4 percent of the U.S. population) killed a black person with most of them done in self-defense. But, 448 blacks (blacks are 13 percent of the U.S. population) killed whites in the same year with most of them murder.
And interestingly, in Florida, some of the most ardent defenders of the stand your ground law have been black defense attorneys. The reason: Their black, often young, clients are the most successful users of the law. Indeed, data show that black defendants have a high success rate in invoking stand your ground in black-on-black violence. In fact, if all cases are taken into account, black defendants have a higher success rate in claiming stand your ground than do white defendants, and they attempt to claim stand your ground at higher rates.
The statistics reveal a stark disparity both numerically and with respect to intent between the two demographics.
Now, I'll ignore your infantile ad hominem as it's irrelevant but I will state that the black family has crumbled under modern liberalism greatly exacerbating what the many 'sociological examinations of criminality' studies clearly reveal. Look at the census:
In 1950, 78 percent of black adults were married and their children grew up with the benefit of both parents in a nuclear family and usually a moral, hard working, nuclear family. Today, blacks have the lowest marriage rates among all races in the U.S., the census shows and the highest rate of households headed by a single mother and their children run wild all over the country engaging in sexual immorality, crime, and the using and selling of drugs.
And they do so despite about one and half trillion dollars a year spent on more than 80 welfare programs that presently dominate a deficit ridden federal budget which the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) states is "unsustainable." <-- that little gem means that welfare and entitlement programs are going to be cut to the nub within two decades (consider that just the skyrocketing interest payments on the skyrocketing national debt which have to be paid out of the federal budget each year will surpass all annual military spending by 2020).
USC studies show that "African Americans and Hispanics comprised 93 percent of all the gang-related homicide." That doesn't leave much room for non-Hispanic whites especially since they comprise only about 63% of the U.S. population.
And to use your skewed formula; there's more poor white people in the U.S. than any other race (In 2012 the census shows 18.9 million poor non-Hispanic whites, 13.6 million poor Hispanics, and 10.9 million poor blacks) were living in poverty.)
but per capita whites used welfare the least.
I can keep going. I have all the statistics right here. And, they all show that the closer a demographic associates its behavior with modern "progressive" liberal ideology; the worse their real life performance is morally, socially, culturally, economically, and spiritually.
And when the government's ability to continue borrowing enormous amounts of money each year to pass out in welfare runs out in one to two decades, the resulting riots won't change anything because the government won't be able to borrow its way out to pacify them, as they presently do, by then.
It's tragic really so many lost deceived souls and misspent lives. I take zero joy in pointing any of this out. Yes, the situation is fully reformable but what it takes to get from here to there; this generation explicitly voices it has no interest in doing. If they stay the course, and it looks like they're going to, then their chosen destiny is to learn the hard way and you do them no favors by acting as a co-enabler.
I mean no offense to you personally, of course, it's just that the facts are what they are.
if zimmerman just wanted to "ask a few questions", then why didn't he? why didn't he even identify himself?
and here's a little tip that should counter some of the propaganda you are clearly hinting at: the biggest threat to whites is other white people.
white people are 2.4 times more likely to be attacked by other white people than by any of those other people you are clearly trying to portray as violent uneducated criminals.
take your white persecution rhetoric someplace more appropriate.