To be fair, I have literally seen guys I know reject a girl because she, well, wasnt attractive enough. I even heard the words "I can do better". Ive seen a girl who I thought was really awesome (tbh with you I kinda wished it was me she liked), who got along great with the guy, fit his personality, really liked him alot, and was a GOOD woman, all because the guys..... wanted a "better looking girl".
So guys can have unfair expectations, too.
I would say there are good men and good women, and bad men and bad women in our world. If you find a good one that fits you and looks for God first, take them! Dont let desires lead you from something wonderful. I mean, isnt that a big part of Christ's teachings?

No one in the world is gonna be EVERYTHING you ever wanted, and being in a couple means giving up some of the things you wanted. But they are just desires that you do probly dont need, so if you have what you need, learn to do without
I actually kinda feel I need a good Christ centered woman to push me harder to be Christ like. I mean, like when I kinda start going for something I dont need, like paying money for selfish things, I would love to have a wife who would ask me "do we really need that?", and had a strong desire to seek God first as well :3