It sounds like you have more pressing matters to address. I wouldn’t wish a cantankerous housemate on anyone. A better environment is needed. Like you, I’ve been on the Internet for a long time. Access was limited in the early days and I have good memories of iRC chats, mailing lists, and forums. I’ve met and spoken to many people over the years. Some I’ve known 25 years or more. I met my best friend too and we’ve been inseparable since that time (17 years and counting).
But the climate has changed. There was a time this was an avenue for fostering connections. It wasn’t the lone one available. I visited my first Christian forum last year and was astounded to hear the frequent tales of isolation. I’ve been interacting with the same group for more than a decade and oblivious to the rest. Things are different now.
Given your challenges, have you considered blogging as your source of income? If you’re able to write a book, producing content on a weekly basis shouldn’t be difficult. Facebook has several groups with likeminded people doing the same. It sounds like your stumbling block is money, not human contact.
If your resources are tight you’d run into similar constraints if you lived elsewhere. Given your age, most meetups involve food, coffee or outings. That’s hard to do when your budget is tight. Building my coffers would be my primary focus. It would allow you greater choice on your environment and opportunities to pursue interests without encumbrance.
It can be challenging to have the intimacy you’re seeking when conversing with strangers. My phone used to ring around the clock and I’ve exchanged addresses and lived to tell. But I’m more discriminating these days. It takes time and effort to know someone’s character.
I hope you’re able to find a new place and the community you’ve longed to have.