Oh My Sweet Honey Dew, I personally understand 100% what you are going through. My best ever friend Denise, passed away from a sudden heart attack a few years back. She was on her way to visit her children, & had just text me to tell me how much she was missing me. I never heard from her again. Her father came to tell me the shocking new about Denise, & I went into shock, & I still miss her every day, & always will.
I am praying for you Honey Dew, you are in my heart. You & your pain are in my heart, we are joined by this sorrow together, this so special GOD sent love with a dear & trusted friend. This love grows it never dies, we both have been truly Blessed by having such a special friend GOD given, I believe to fill a place in our lives & hearts, a place that will never be replaced. A place that our dear & loving friend lives & can not die. Let you & I rejoice & be thankful to Daddy GOD, for allowing our hearts to know love & be a home where our most beautiful, precious friend can never be taken away from us. This is a time to smile not cry. Will you try to think of the love & feel her love now, & reach out to her just as I am now, my best ever friend Denise & picture her smile & know that she is still with you in your heart, every day where she is watching over you, just like an Angel of GOD! Amen & Amen!
Love & Hugs!
Bella & Denise! XXOO
I am praying for you Honey Dew, you are in my heart. You & your pain are in my heart, we are joined by this sorrow together, this so special GOD sent love with a dear & trusted friend. This love grows it never dies, we both have been truly Blessed by having such a special friend GOD given, I believe to fill a place in our lives & hearts, a place that will never be replaced. A place that our dear & loving friend lives & can not die. Let you & I rejoice & be thankful to Daddy GOD, for allowing our hearts to know love & be a home where our most beautiful, precious friend can never be taken away from us. This is a time to smile not cry. Will you try to think of the love & feel her love now, & reach out to her just as I am now, my best ever friend Denise & picture her smile & know that she is still with you in your heart, every day where she is watching over you, just like an Angel of GOD! Amen & Amen!
Love & Hugs!
Bella & Denise! XXOO

Thank you Bella.