I like this, because the things described are things that I hope every man would strive for. However, to completely meet everything in that list would require perfection, and none of us can measure up to that standard. I would want a guy striving to do his best in every area, but I don't expect perfection. I know that I am so far from perfect, it's not even funny. But I'm striving toward excellence, and any improvement I made can be attributed to the glory of God, Christ working in my life.
I think it is good to have an idea of what we want, and refuse to settle, which is really the whole point of the fictional story. Not the fact that she's domineering, or that such a guy is too good to be true. She has standards, but they have nothing to do with the material things of this world - they have more to do with the deeper things that make up the kind of people we are. It's okay to know what you're looking for, but you also have to remember that not everyone is perfect and just because they don't meet all of your criteria doesn't mean you would be settling, either. You have to cut people some slack sometimes! After all, God cuts us a lot of slack as we strive to be more like Him.