Sorry I'm a little late to the party...
I tried to post this a while back, but couldn't get it to post correctly, then felt a little too shy and just deleted the whole thing.
But after watching all the other courageous souls here in this thread... I figured, why not have a go. I don't know how to use those filters that make you look 20 years younger and 30 pounds lighter that seem to be so popular nowdays, so this is the best I could do.
I don't like pictures of myself, at all, so when I can help it, I get rid of them. I have very few pictures of myself from past years because I'm trying to erase some of the bad memories right along with the pictures. I also don't want to look back and dwell on the way I USED to look, even if I still didn't like what I saw back then, because I don't want to pine for something I can never go back to.
But this year my Mom wanted a family Christmas portrait so I had no choice but to oblige. I made an attempt at doing my hair, dutifully dragging out my trusty but ancient Conair hot rollers, which I don't think I've used since probably 1995.
So in this picture, I'm pretty much a hot mess, as I had just yanked my hair out of the curlers and haven't even brushed it through.
And what did I see as soon as I pulled out the rollers but an all too obvious gray hair sticking straight out -- sideways, no less -- as if it were clearing mocking me over the fact that a whole lot of years had passed since I'd last really put some effort into my hair. You know, like way back when I was a spring chicken, but those days have LONG passed, of which this geriatric piece of hair seemed all too eager to point out.
Try as I might, no amount of styling product or hairspray would put it in place (I think those gray hairs are almost as stubborn as I am -- go figure,) and so I had to resort to pulling them back into the top half of my hair back just to hide it.
I couldn't help but be amused at my own hair's determination to both bamboozle and betray me all at once, thus making the rare exception of snapping an ever-popular selfie.
It was just one of those "This is so ridiculous!" moments that you just can't help but laugh -- and totally at yourself.
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