Welcome to my absolute favourite thread on CC! (For the most part
My user name is from the Silmarillion, taken from the character known as Luthien Tinuviel. I love Tolkien, and that story is one of my favourites.
"Among the tales or sorrow and of ruin that come down to us from the Darkness of those days, there are yet some that amid sorrow there is joy, and under shadow of death, light that endures. And of these tales most fair still in the ears of Elves is the tale of Beren and Luthien. Of there lives was made the Lay of Leithian, release from bondage. But here it is told in fewer words and without song." Yeah, I've probably read it too much
I'm going to reuse Mooky's question. I liked it when I answered it, but I've done too many reuses lately and had to split them up with at least ONE original
. So, "What are you top three goals for the remainder of the year?"
My user name is from the Silmarillion, taken from the character known as Luthien Tinuviel. I love Tolkien, and that story is one of my favourites.
"Among the tales or sorrow and of ruin that come down to us from the Darkness of those days, there are yet some that amid sorrow there is joy, and under shadow of death, light that endures. And of these tales most fair still in the ears of Elves is the tale of Beren and Luthien. Of there lives was made the Lay of Leithian, release from bondage. But here it is told in fewer words and without song." Yeah, I've probably read it too much
I'm going to reuse Mooky's question. I liked it when I answered it, but I've done too many reuses lately and had to split them up with at least ONE original
How many species of spider are native to Hawaii? Or a better question, what's your favourite snack food?