I'm not going off to bed yet because me and my dog are still engaged in a lengthy discussion THAT seems to be going nowhere.
I decided to have THE "talk" with him and make him see things differently, but being a smart mutt that he is, He stubbornly just wont see
things my way.
The reason he says that he would like to be alone with his date IS THAT during intimate moments, he can be so expressive about his feelings that he doesn't want to be always looking around to see if other dogs are looking. Other dogs might misunderstand him and these gets him more into fights than having to spend more quality time with his date.
After he stated his reason and motive for being alone with his date, He systematically moved to the next subject at hand which is the PURITY COLLAR.
He would NEVER wear one, with a lot of things going around in the dog world, doing so would make him laughing stock of the entire neighborhood, plus the cats needs something to laugh about these days and he could fit into the #1 position for quite A long time.
I know its never easy, but what can I do? He is smart and as stubborn as me, but at the same time expresses himself clearly in private with all genuineness.
So what to do?