Funny girl, OG, you wouldn't be reincarnated from a 1968 movie, starring Barbara Streisand, would ya ?
OK, seriously now, and, yeah, I was being funny-guy serious there above, or not, and, I stand by that, but, seriously, seriously, the Lord leads, these posts from you all, most of them, anyway, tell giagal and the rest of miladies that they should not give 'it' away for NOTHING and that's right, for NOTHING, until God puts the right guy in your path and you are past the vows and after the reception (or before the reception

) ARE by selves and then God will put mind-thoughts in your brain, I think, OH, NO, I know He will, that are just amazing, but YOU must wait because YOUR amazing will be over sooo quickly IF you EVER give in, what will SEEM like a few minutes of heaven will transform to HELL afterward, I think. I don't want to be too rough on all, and, those that have done but are NOW waiting, like one guy posted here said, FANTABULOUS ! It's true, God forgives our sins 100% and if you messed up, you give it to Him and He will give you a forgiveness that is as far as the east is from the west and thrown into the sea of forgetfulness, to boot, IF ever that sin were to be found. God's got it covered, 100% . ONLY YOU think about your sins after you've confessed them to Him, in His mind, they are g-o-n-e. Gone-gone
I am just saying, and, God is good, so, don't think He won't keep you IF you ask Him, and, that is my next point, I am, too, waiting on the Lord and i give 100% of the power of waiting to God, I've been tempted by girls, MANY TIMES, OH, YES!, but God's kept me and I made a promise to God long ago, like in my teen years, I WAS WAITING, with a passion for His one for me, I had NO idea I would be 44 and still waiting. But, I AM and I am waiting on Him for her, if she ever walks my way (Sure, sing a little 'Run DMZ' here, if you like
So, I encourage you, miladies, to not be tempted by the rock 'n roll of temptation that surely will come your way, it just does, we have flesh, IT COMES ! God gives us the power, REMEMBER, He inside us, there, He's IN you, living, breathing, showing you His way

He will NEVER allow us to be tempted beyond what we are able without providing what? A way out
The Enemy is ALLOWED to do things to us, but it is NOT going to be over God's control, read the story of Job for understanding of this truth
I recommend a book for you all too right now, one I've read twice: Passion and Purity by Elizabeth Elliott. It is a great romance novel, filled with wisdom, and, it's more a girl book than a guy, admittedly, but the power of decision and stance by Ms. Elliott is a story to behold. Quite a sight !
Good for you, giagal, God bless you for being strong. REmember, too, though, we can only be STRONG if we are strong IN HIM
Isaiah 40:31 -- Those who wait on the Lord shall rise up with wings like Eagles and they shall walk and not grow weary and they shall run and not faint.