In general, and from my own experiences, I would say - Yes, men generally read far less than women. If they read it's only either because they're required to or because they want to (duh). But if they read, it's more likely to be non-fiction than fiction. I'm not sure why that's the case. Reading has been seen as rather useless to much of masculindom in modern times. Not to mention, many men were once boys who really struggled with reading (they either couldn't sit still long enough to concentrate, or they just struggled with it full-stop). I'm mildly dyslexic, but I'm an avid reader. And that's been the case ever since I discovered Tintin, Narnia and The Hardy Boys books at the tender age of 7. Unfortunately, in the last few years, I've gravitated towards non-fiction. I rarely read fiction these days, which is sad, because I love Story. I must rectify that.