i didnt know there was two player sudoko.
when you are by yourself there are heaps of things to do. Im not bored.
if you are lonely you just got to make more friends, you dont necesarily have to marry anyone. I do know of people who say they are MORE lonely when they are married because their spouse is away half the time. they could be playing with their own children but they might not want to be playing with their mum or dad ALL the time.
So I think some people need to cultivate more friendships and know how to socialise rather than think marriage is a way to not be lonely. Join a sports team or if no good at sports then volunteer for something.
i know this one girl at work said she was going to the US to meet her 'boyfriend' who she played online video games with theough xbox or something. I was rather sceptical about that. she fell in love with someone she was playing games with? on the computer?
well needless to say it wasnt quite what she thought it would be as well as spending all her savings on an airticket to meet with this fellow who was disabled which was why he was spending so much time on the computer (not sure if it was BECAUSE he was playing so much or he was disabled before that) he was obviously not going to come to her country to meet her in person when she could have just played games with someone in person in her own country or anyone from work or just hapoened to be around who was bored.