I truly enjoyed some of the post that I was able to read. I need to be going to bed so I will speak on my knowledge of being unequally yoked, considering I also went through it with my previous marriage.
To be unequally yoked is to be unequal period. That scripture doesn’t only apply to marriage though. And truth is in almost all your relationships. Whether it be friendships, partnerships, warships, lol just kidding, you have to be equal in a sense where you are able to carry everything of that relationship with balance. You can start off equally yet and unequal later down the road. It’s hard to know if you are truly equal to someone, most of the time you don’t know until after you’ve gotten to know someone and had your falling out. On the surface, you can have many things in common. But when it comes to the very important things, you can be so different. Opposites attract, and that can be good. In a sense that what one person cannot do or carry , the other person can. me and my ex-husband started off knowing that we were far from Christ. I had a strong sense that eventually I will overcome my flesh and grow. He said he would do the same as our relationship went on. I was the only one growing. Where I was taking steps forward, he was taking steps back. Because of the unequalness it was hard to get along. How to walk together except they agree? It got so bad to where I couldn’t even talk about a simple scripture in the Bible without him feel like I was trying to say something about him and attack him . If it ever gets to the point, that you can even speak about the Lord with happiness, then it is really bad. After several years of trying to hold onto that marriage, and get to a place where we could be equal again, eventually, I took the initiative to finally partways . You could say that I am far better off alone than he is. Even now he has gone through some crazy things with other people to wear his car got busted up.
Just to clear a few things up, I have been cheated on several times. I didn’t leave because I simply wasn’t happy. He also tried to divorce me not long after we had our child but messed it up with something he said. It wasn’t until my dad died And he approached me with something insensitive. It made me realize that I should’ve left a long time ago instead of constantly holding on and trying. I have been at my worst before without him caring, but when it came to my dad, who was gone and I loved dearly . …. I saw that it had to be done.
Hopefully that read wasn’t too depressing! I’m truly happy now!