Heh heh... so perhaps in Genesis we are given an edited version, and what really went down when God confronted Adam and Eve is that Adam told God, "The woman you put here with me... Forget the serpent, Lord--I'm already married to pure evil."
Except... that God looked over His original creation and called it good, so I wonder what God said in reply.
Except... that God looked over His original creation and called it good, so I wonder what God said in reply.
Genesis 3:6 - Passage*Lookup - New King James Version - BibleGateway.com
Eve gave to Adam, who "was with her". It appears as though Adam was standing right there the whole time.
I think NukePooch should write his own thread of unique first lines and/or advice for topics of conversation when approaching women...
If you don't mind Hello Kitty band-aids, I may be able to lend a few (it's the part of me that will never grow up... when it comes to Pinky and the Brain, I am definitely the Pinky side of the equation.) NARF!!!
I think it's great that a guy would want a woman who can be both fierce and gentle when appropriate--
Sorry I'm getting off topic!! Good to see a guy voice an opinion that he doesn't mind a woman who can be a little feisty!
Sorry I'm getting off topic!! Good to see a guy voice an opinion that he doesn't mind a woman who can be a little feisty!
What's the steak without the sizzle?
What's the peanut butter without the jelly?
What's the...um...okay, I'm out.
*laugh* "Miss Seoul"... very cool, but makes me feel like a 5th grade teacher!! [/quote]
Miss Seoul, can I get the hall pass? I gotta go to the bafroom.