Hey VoiceofTruth. I am reading a book, a lot of people have heard about it, so you might have to. "I Kissed Dating Goodbye."
I have learned that when you meet a new guy or a new girl, you should accept them as a brother or a sister in Christ. No, they aren't BLOOD related...but they are created from the same God as you are. Before anything, accept him as that...as a brother in Christ. You should accept that first, THEN see if this is the man that God intended you to be with. You need to rely on God and you have to think with your mind AND heart. If you just rely on your heart, that's pretty dangerous. because you are just relying on your emotions...and they will come and go. That's why God gave us a mind as well. So we can use our heart and our minds, and God being the director of your life.
When you date, you need to know if this is who God wants you to be with! And if he isn't, don't worry, God will provide you with someone. God will give you the desires of your heart if you trust in HIM. Just trust Him. Pray about it. Is this guy going to be your future husband? If not, why waste your time? Not trying to be rude or anything, but just giving you some advice!
I know, you really like this guy. I was involved with this guy for 5 months, and I KNEW that God was telling me to end it. I mean, there were sooo many warning signs but I didn't listen. First, he was an Atheist. Second, he already had sex. Third, he drinks and gets drunk. Fourth, he swears. I mean, signs after signs. After he broke up with me (more like cheating, by going over to a girls house to have SEX with, he broke up with me the next day), I made a decision that I'm no longer going to date. That I'm just going to rely on God. He is the director of your life. HE ALREADY KNOWS WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN. Why worry? Hang in there!