Happiness is a sign of freedom. Confidence exuberates from it. I believe when we let go off things blocking our happiness we can really shine. Yes, we have moments of sadness, anger, etc., but looks at how we react to those things. We can either let them consume us or we can choose to smile our way through. The silver lining always shines bright in the darkest storm. I've learned through trials and tribulations how to laugh to keep from crying. I've learned how to see the impossible and live for the inevitable. "The JOY of the LORD is our Strength."
Beautifully written, and one of my favorite scriptures to remind ppl with at times.Again, Jesus said in this world we would have tribulation, but to be of good cheer, because He has overcome the world. I'm getting those lump in the throat, choke back the tears of joy just sitting here thinking about it. And Him. Thank you Jesus, and bless your Holy Name! I think sometimes we feel a bit guilty or that its somehow irresponsible to be joyful, but the tomb is empty, and our God and Saviour is alive! There's a time to every purpose under heaven, true, but, The Joy of The Lord is Our Strength! Bless you, sister, whoever you are, I'm sorry I'm not familiar with your name, and welcome. You made my day! (although I AM making beef stew right now, so maybe it's just the onions