I like hugging my nephew.....im not sure how much I do it but I do lol I don't really hug anyone else or want to most of the time I don't like that kind of stuff for the most part and I'm kind of a jerk at times I don't want people in my personal space, CATS ARE DUMB FOR THIS VERY REASON, not only that but I was never a huge affectionate person and wasn't really shown that as a child. I didn't want to hug my dad cuz I hated him, in a weird sort of way, and I didn't want to hug my mom cuz I felt it was just awkward. I did cuddle a lot though especially in my sleep I liked sleeping next to my mom. Oh and my mom making me and my brother hug and kiss each other on the cheek after a fight didn't help either. I'll hug kids all day long though kids are great cx. If we're talking about girls I used to hug tons of girls but not any more for reasons I just don't wanna be clung onto a bunch of different women. Not only that but I'm not exactly innocent when it comes to females and such so my mind can go to all kinds of places POSSIBLY rather not take that chance. BUT I like hugs ig or maybe I like cuddling, if I had a significant other I'd enjoy hugging her cuz I mean......idk I just would? Cuddling part is only for my wife I don't want to get that close to a female while laying down or anything that's suicide. Also boobs are a thing (can I say that?) and like I said I'm not innocent sadly so I even have to be careful with normal hugs I tend to kind of just do the side hug thing but if you're not family in some way, shape, or form then nah I'm not going to hug you if you're a girl around my age unless I like you then you might get one maybe, just don't get offended if it seems like I'm trying to touch you as little as possible because although I am, it's because you're cute

. If I didn't like you I probably would try to associate with you as little as possible so you don't get the wrong idea and so I don't look like a thot, the fact that I'm trying to be friends with you probably shows I have some kind of interest, maybe not romantic but still. Was this too long?