I was actually serious. I don't know if any of you have ever tried to lose a significant amount of weight, but it is virtually impossible and I know a lot more about fitness and nutrition than the average person. I used to be very fit and healthy, but then I fell into a deep depression that lasted a couple years and gained a lot of weight. I've been trying to lose it for years now and I'd lose some, then gain it back, lose some then gain it back... Did you know that your body can make new fat cells as you gain weight but never loses fat cells when you lose weight? That's one reason why its easy to gain it back and why maintaining a weight loss is tricky. I'm not trying to be negative. I know one has to "change their lifestyle", "change the way they think about food", but that itself can be very difficult for some, like me. Yes, I post a lot about eating donuts and loving ice cream and stuff but that's just me joking around. I don't really eat that stuff all the time.
Anyway, I just had to speak up because I tried to tell myself for years that its inner beauty that really matters but the scourge of being significantly overweight and out of shape is just way more than people who haven't been there can imagine. When I was fit and healthy, people treated me so much differently. They were friendly, interested in whatever I had to say, never ignored me or treated me rudely... Now it's the complete opposite. People give me the impression that they don't really want to associate with me, when I say things I'm often ignored, people treat me like I don't exist and/or are sometimes rude to me. I feel like I don't even have a chance of attracting someone. When I do try to make a connection, I end up in the friend zone. This is the reality. Sure there are overweight people who have bf's and gf's and get married, and from what I've seen, those folks have great personalities in real life. They are usually easy-going, and charming. I think I am only that way online. It's easy online because you can take all day to come up with a funny, witty response....
One can say that inner beauty is what really matters, and technically it really is more important, but if the outer beauty is not up to par, then I've found that most people won't care how much inner beauty you have (in real life).