The Walking Dead game when Lee died...
Any Movie where a Dog dies...Such as I am legend, Old yeller, where the red ferns grow...
Up...When he lost his wife
Breaking Bad- words on that episode. Matter of fact the whole second half of season 5 was just...
Hannah Montana The movie...(LOL Just kidding)
The Walking dead-Hershel's death!
THe Lion King- So many feelings!
Passion of the Christ...I couldn't take it. I only watch it year round but when I do...
Forest Gump- When Jenny died and his son goes on the bus!
Any Movie where a Dog dies...Such as I am legend, Old yeller, where the red ferns grow...
Up...When he lost his wife
Breaking Bad- words on that episode. Matter of fact the whole second half of season 5 was just...
Hannah Montana The movie...(LOL Just kidding)
The Walking dead-Hershel's death!
THe Lion King- So many feelings!
Passion of the Christ...I couldn't take it. I only watch it year round but when I do...
Forest Gump- When Jenny died and his son goes on the bus!