Hi! I'm new to this website.
1. Name/What You Want to Be Called:
2. Location (you don't have to be specific; remember, anyone can see this), and Would You Be Willing to Relocate?
Philippines, I'd be willing to relocate
3. Number of Children: none
4. Pets (what kinds and what are their names?):
I don't have real-life pets but I have a stuffed dog, two frogs and some insects in Animal Crossing New Horizons, and dogs, horses, and I think one cat in The Sims 3.
5. How Long Have You Been Saved? Church Denomination, if you care to share?
I've been a Christian for 14 years. I am a so-called "Protestant" Christian because of the Bible versions I read. I was baptized in Cruzada Church of Christ. I have attended the National Evangelical Church in Bahrain. Now, my church is CCF in the Philippines.
6. Looking For Friendships or Romance, or Both?
I'm looking for both but what I need now are friends.
7. Career, Hobbies, Interests? (Expand upon what you answered in the poll.)
Career: I'm hoping to be an online English teacher.
Anime, Comics, Video Games (Which ones and why?)
I love playing Animal Crossing. I have played New Leaf. Now, I'm playing Pocket Camp and New Horizons. It's a fun simulation game with cute animals. I also like playing The Sims and Plants vs. Zombies. The Sims is a very fun and creative game. PVZ is all about strategy. I love all the animation in these games.
Music, Movies, Theater (Favorite genres?)
I love pop and rock music. I like adventure movies. I like drama TV. For theater, I guess I like musicals.
Reading, Literature, Study (Favorite subjects?)
I love reading the Bible, fiction novel series, and posts of celebrities I like. I'm a student of Bachelor of Arts in English. I love the English language. I like Art as well. I took Industrial Design and Interior Design Engineering before English.
8. What Do You Have to OFFER Someone Else? (Whether a friend or a significant other -- why might they be interested in you?)
I will lay down my life for my neighbor. I'm helpful to my friends, especially with their studies. I have tutored them with Math and other subjects. I pray for people. My family and friends are first in the order of things I request God to bless. I share God's Word.
9. What Are You Looking For in A Friend and/Or Romantic Partner?
I'm looking for friends who are about my age. I'm 26. For a romantic partner, he has to be a lover of Christ.
10. Do You Think You Could Survive A Zombie Apocalypse? Why or why not?
I won't survive it. I've succeeded in Plants vs. Zombies 1 but I need help in Plants vs. Zombies 2. My virtual experiences in camping, island life, and killing zombies with plants are definitely useless.