I have add a photo of myself (avatar), standing near a bronze statue taken in- The Gardens, at the, History of Australia War Memorial, In ACT Canberra Australia, a few years back while visiting with a group for the weekend. I worked for, Mental Health, before my accident, left me with Chronic pain. I no longer am fit enough to work for now, due to the daily stress, & pain, plus medication that I take makes me very tired. I felt lead to let you know this fact about my life, & I am trusting in GOD 100% for total healing, no matter what the Doctors say! Amen & Amen <><<
JESUS tells us all- By My Stripes you were healed, & by HIS stripes, I AM HEALED!! Amen
Love & Hugs!
Bella xo
May the JOY of The LORD, be my/our STRENGTH!