Marriage... What advantages are left for men?

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Senior Member
Aug 2, 2011
Basically, in today's society, as far as marriage is concerned in the WESTERN world, it's screwed up. As a man, and men of my generation, we kind of look at marriage and we cringe. There are very few benefits to it nowadays. Aside from the Christian ideal of marriage (which sadly, very few people acknowledge anymore in western culture), marriage is somewhat of a joke. There are few, if any, advantages to marriage for men nowadays, and men take ALL the risk. What I'm saying is this: Aside from the thousands of dollars we spend on a ring, assuming we don't get turned down (since that ring is worthless after we buy it), what advantages do we gain by marrying a woman? If you go into a relationship normally, examine what you'd likely already receive. I could move in with a significant other, and I'd still receive all the benefits of a marriage (love, partnership, companionship, sex, financial support, etc). What advantage would I get from marrying that woman? I'd take all the risk based on the divorce laws of today's society. A woman could divorce me on a whim, with no reason whatsoever, and she'd automatically receive half of everything I own, she'd get the kids (if there are any), the house, the car, possibly alimony (to add to my new found financial destruction), and even child-support for the kids that I had no choice but to give up according to a judge. Also, prenuptial agreements do not hold up on most courts, since most judges simply throw them out. Basically, divorce laws in the USA are completely sided with the woman, which is outdated and completely based upon a 100 years ago, before women had the ability to live independently from her husband. It was understandable and needed back then, but nowadays, many women make more money than men, yet men have no way to win in a divorce case. If you want to look deeper into the laws of the western world, MANY laws favor women completely, when it simply is false bravado these days. For instance, NO WOMAN in the USA can rape a man. It is impossible. Why? There are no legal grounds for it. None, whatsoever. A woman cannot be charged with rape, because the rape laws in the USA are specifically worded with the word penis entering a vagina, anus, or mouth. The worst a woman could be charged with, if she raped a man (and the court didn't just throw it out completely) is sexual misconduct. Consider that for a moment. A man raping a woman gets life in prison. A woman raping a man gets one year in prison, at the maximum. Also, sexual harassment laws completely favor women as well, but I won't go further into these things. I think it's safe to say, and completely unarguable to say that women are unfairly represented as victims in most of the laws based on relationships between men and women. Divorce laws are what I specifically care about in this post, however.

What I'm saying is this: Feminism currently has three "waves" or stages that it has gone through. The first-wave was great and completely needed, which dealt with obviously needed things like women's suffrage, the right to vote, etc. The second-wave movement started in the 1980s, which was completely about destroying gender roles, and basically, as a man, I view it as putting women on a pedestal and basically it was all about advancing the power and prestige of rich white women. The third-wave movement is now out, which is basically more lenient to the GLBT community, minority women, and also (somewhat) more about equality than feminism ever was a decade ago. Even still, feminism is not about equality anymore, since no woman in the western world can truly say she is unequal to a man in any way, shape, or form. What the second-wave basically did was destroy all gender roles that were created by God and written about in the Bible, and so we have divorce rates that are skyrocketed. The outcome is creating men like me who are deathly afraid of divorce, and so look at marriage as almost a stupid maneuver to ever allow ourselves to get into. It is just asking for trouble, at least with 90% of all women that I meet nowadays at my age. I still want to get married one day, and I will still take that plunge even though I could possibly destroyed in all ways by whomever I marry, despite if I am faithful, loving, and do everything I am supposed to as a husband. Either way, I will still marry, but my biggest fear in life is divorce, and so I think it needs to be discussed far more openly than most people do, and it is a far more serious matter as well. Nobody wants the word 'marriage' to be destroyed by the gay community with same-sex marriages, but nobody ever seems to realize the real problem with marriage right now is with real, different-sex marriages, the kind that God intended us to have. It is slowly being destroyed, and I simply wonder as men AND women, how we can change ourselves and our outlooks, and how we can fix something that is so obviously broken.

Let me put it his way: I'm 26 years old. I live near Chicago, in the USA. If I met 100 women, 90 of them would all be single mothers. Out of those 90, at least 80 would have been divorced at least once, and many of them would have been divorced multiple times. Out of all those women that were divorced, almost ALL of those divorces were initiated by women. Out of all those women with children, almost all of those women chose to leave the dads and/or they decided those men weren't fit to be their husbands. I'm positive that some of those men were deadbeats, but I'm also positive that not all of them were. It is a simple matter of these women having the freedom to do whatever they please, but those actions all had consequences. What it leaves is men at my age looking around, and what we find are all women who have had little common sense in who they dated, or why they dated these men, and these divorced women also make me wonder if they'd do it again, if I decided I wanted to marry them and make one of them my wife. Would they also divorce me, since they seem to value marriage so little? I'm sure not all would, as I know how to treat them better than probably any man they dated before, but divorce is almost never an action that the man takes anymore. 60 years ago, before women really broke out and fought gender roles, all divorces were ended by men, since women had few options if they decided to leave. Women were either housewives, or they worked at low-paying jobs. Women obviously are better off with what they can do now, but I wonder... Did women not realize the consequences that come along with the freedom they gained through feminism? If you look even at simple relationships, almost ALL relationships are ended by the woman. Sure, the men may be the ones who made the mistakes (although 99% of the time, both parties made horrible mistakes), but women are almost always the ones who break up with the man. It is just simply the way it is. It is not always the case, but the trend supports my theory here, so let's go with it for a few.

My question to women and men, is basically this: What can we do to fix this problem of marriage and divorce?

I recently stumbled across this video, along with the work of Dr Herb Goldberg, which basically is a counter-movement of the radical feminist movements that have raged throughout the 80's and into today's world.

Dr. Herb Goldberg Ph.D and Betty Friedan Part 1 - YouTube

This man is a genius in my eyes, since he explains why feminists became the man-haters they are perceived as (the reasons why they had the rage to begin with), and also how we can fix the issues of today's society. The woman is a well known feminist who also agreed with Dr Goldberg, and they both basically tried to mix their two rights movements together, creating an equality movement rather than one side (man) or the other (female). What they talk about is basically how to change both men and women into gaining the ability to have a lasting relationship, one that is about love and respect, rather than the weak feminine reactor (idealized victorian-era woman) and the super masculine man (still prevalent today, although less so).

I guess I just wonder though... Why is today's society, specifically the idea of marriage, so screwed up? Why have divorce rates risen so much, and why have women taken so few actions to stay in marriage these days? Is it secular culture, or does it have to do with something deeper than that? Obviously, women weren't happy with the way the Bible taught them to be, and so they reacted with rage and anger, which led to the feminist movements. That's all fine and great, but the consequences that go along with that freedom doesn't seem to have dawned on women. It's one of those things where it seems they want their cake and to eat it too.

Maybe I am off base here, but you tell me. Watch the video (there are a ton of parts, but the first video sums things up if you have a short attention span), and tell me what you think!

Thanks for the thorough post. I'm wondering where you got your sources from. I ask because there is a lot of "hearsay" regarding these kinds of things, and just because you heard something from someone doesn't mean that person was well-informed. Specifically, what are your sources for those divorce laws? It seems to me that if the man worked the whole time and the women just stayed at home, that the man would be entitled to more of their material goods. And why would the court give the woman the kids if she didn't even have any income and the man did? I would imagine they would give custody to the most competent parent, or at least joint custody. And I have the hardest time believing that a judge would simply discard a prenuptual agreement. It's a legally binding agreement that both parties sign into...a judge doesn't have the authority to nullify that on a whim.

It seems like some of the legal ramifications you've listed here make a great plot for a T.V. show or movie divorce case, but I have a hard time thinking they reflect reality. But I'm by no means an expert on the subject, so I'm just asking for some sources.


So that works for the roughly 50% of christians who get divorced? see not worth the risk even in a godly marriage
Yes, but how many of these Christians are true Jesus followers? What's your definition of a godly marriage? I don't believe a true godly marriage will fail.


Dangit....I even carefully reread his post to make sure I wasn't mistaken and I still missed that.

I'm bad at reading long posts. My bad. XD


My suggestion is still the same though. Find some positive Christian role models who are happily married to ask these questions if you want to know the advantages.

If you aren't interested in marriage, then don't get married.


Senior Member
Jun 29, 2012
@AAAPlus divorce laws are trended towards women. 85%-90% of women win custody to the kids and joint custody still requires a primary caregiver(normally the mother). The thing with alimony is even if the wife didnt work, the court normally requires the exhusband to keep taking care of her. Its just how it is. I wish I could give you more sources but my notes from Women and Law are in storage.

ahhh I do not believe that. I believe that if you pray hard enough and you believe with every fiber of your being that God will bless your marriage simply because every single day you pray over it and give it to him. Don't give up because there are good christian girls out there. I happen to be one of them so I know there are more. You need to just trust the Lord and live each day as if it is the last and do not let statistics of our world bitter your heart with cold hard ruthless facts. Why give the devil place in your mind like that? Rebuke him because it sounds like he is trying to stress you out and its working.
Certainly not stressed, just resigned. And with the amount of divorces in both christian and secular marriages it tends to seem it doesnt matter what type of woman you marry. I mean I connect with nonchristians better most of the time. Mostly because other than religion I have more in common with them...

Your concern about having more to lose financially reveals more about you and the people you choose to date than it does about marriage.
Not really its just common sense of if the consequences of a divorce is worth the benefits of a marriage. All types of women get divorced so it really doesnt matter what kind you are dating.


What is a man SUPPOSED to get out of marriage?

Genesis 2: 18 The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."
19 Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals.
But for Adam
no suitable helper was found. 21 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs
and then closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib
he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.
23 The man said,
"This is now bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called ‘woman,’
for she was taken out of man."
24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.
25 Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.

But what happened? Moses permitted a man to divorce his wife. Was a woman permitted to divorce her husband? What did God think about this? How much say were women given in this?

In Matthew 19, Jesus said:
3 Some Pharisees came to him to test him. They asked, "Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason?"
4 "Haven’t you read," he replied, "that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’
5 and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’
? 6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate."
7 "Why then," they asked, "did Moses command that a man give his wife a certificate of divorce and send her away?"
8 Jesus replied, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."

As far as marriage itself goes, those of us who have studied history, Bible history or otherwise, know that wives were treated not far above heads of cattle. Does that sound like anything God called men to do here? -
Ephesians 5: 25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing
her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— 30 for we are members of his body. 31 "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh."
32 This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. 33 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

There are a lot of guys out there, christian and NON-christian, who know all about that wives are supposed to submit to their husbands part (and I agree that they are to do so), but they conveniently forget the passage that follows immediately thereafter regarding the type of husbands they are to be. In my mind, the issues raised in the OP go back farther than the women’s movement (of which I am most certainly NOT a fan), though to the extreme it has been taken, this has certainly played a role in harming both marriage and the family as far as I’ve seen.

What about the impact of the sexual revolution? Please remember that for every single mom out there being judged and criticized on a daily basis for taking responsibility for her child (when it would have been far easier to disobey God and abort or desert her child), there is a single dad, who may or may not be taking responsibility for his children.

Let’s be perfectly honest here. Isn’t one of the reasons that many of the laws in favor of women in this regard exist because society doesn’t want to have to care for children who have been neglected/abandoned by a parent, which in so many cases, is the father? Weren’t most of these laws drafted by men before very many women were accepted as elected officials? Men who may have been fathers and grandfathers of young women in such situations?

In my mind, the fact that divorce has become so socially acceptable plays a FAR greater part in this than anything else, and, as I said above, that goes all the way back to the time of Moses, perhaps even farther....a time when I can’t imagine women having had a say in it at all.

When divorce became acceptable, more and more people began to abandon the spouses of their youth (contrary to scripture). I can’t tell you how often I hear in my professional circle that someone "would be okay for a first wife", as apparently there is a woman a guy marries young to bear children, and when the guy becomes more successful, he trades her in for the trophy wife, but gripes about the child support and half of everything it cost him. I’m NOT letting women off the hook here by any means, as there is often the guy a young woman marries either because all of her friends are getting married or because she just wants to get out from under mom/dad’s roof, and then along comes the guy who actually steals her heart or who has more materials means, and she dumps husband number 1.

Many of the things the OP said are true to some extent...some are not. There’s also a woman’s response to pretty much all of them, but I’m not going to go there in this thread...maybe another time. :)

NOTE: I’m not a fan of prenups, but if you have both attorneys sign off on them, they hold more water. Unfortunately, too many prospective brides/grooms have one attorney draw up the prenup, the other person reads/signs, and down the road is able to say they didn’t understand what they were signing. If both parties have attorneys, it’s clear that everyone understood what was expected of everyone and judges are far less likely to ignore them.

The bottom line for me is that all of these things are what they are because marriage is not held to be as holy a thing as God intended it to be, which is a model for mankind of our own relationship with Christ. And I don’t know about you, but I want to belong to Christ, not for what He can do for me or for what I can get out of the relationship, but because of Who He is, all that He is, and because I want to be like Him. I want to be one with Him. Because of love. If/when I marry again, it will be for the same reasons and I will do it God’s way or no way (which also means that if I don’t absolutely believe my man can do the same, he won’t be my man).

If we want things to get better for everyone concerned..husbands/wives/children...we need to get offa our behinds and stand against EVERY attack against godly marriage. And by stand, I mostly mean we need to be on our knees a LOT.

DISCLAIMER - If you got the idea that I’m a libber from anything you read in this post, please read again more carefully. I’m so not. :)


You are forgetting that God made WOMAN for MAN..he was to be the head of the family to take care of her like ..Men was created first and because God seen he needed a companign he gave her Eve. Also did God not tell the man he would work harder all the days of his life? Yes woman got a punishment too. But man HAS HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD.. and if her chooses to let the WOMAN rule, thats on him. Because God meant for him to be in charge and keep his family intact spiritual finacialy. Yes I agree somethings are on fair? But if you didnt like the way God created things ,who are you to disagree when u are just the clay and he is the potter?


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2010
Nice, Jullianna. Well said.

As far as the OP...I read and watched the video...have read a few of the responses, and am still not sure what to reply.

If you take marriage from a secular standpoint, then you're right, there is no benefit. In the secular world (though I'm not blind enough not to say that some 'Christians' unfortunately do this...) you have sex, live with the each other, and many (not all, but most) things that happen within a marriage.

The things is, as I believe, things like sex, living together, and other means, are meant for marriage, and not just to be done at will. So, if you look at it this way, there's none of that 'having the milk without buying the cow' so to speak.

In the same respect, I do understand and sympathize with those who feel oppressed and disillusioned by gender roles, as many of us do not fit into those extremes. I do believe, however, that roles are a good things, and we should try to define and fulfill those within each of our personal relationships.

Now, that said, I'm neither a liberal nor a conservatives (as Jullianna pointed out she's not a libber). I'm a moderate. In the the same sense, I don't hold necessarily to any one school of thought, but test and weigh each and every teaching to try and find the middle path. This is very Methodist of me, and Biblical I believe.

1 John 4:1, 2 Timothy 2:15, Psalm 51:6, Proverbs 2:6, James 1:5, James 3:17, Proverbs 4:7, and many others...

Now, nonetheless, I realize this is MY choice, and I'm not saying it must be yours. Let's look at this, however.

Why risk marriage? Marriage IS risk!

Christianity certainly isn't the 'safe bet'. God calls us to "GIVE UP EVERYTHING!!!" So, if we are to marry, which is supposed to be the closest example (if done well) of the relationship God has with us, should we not risk everything??

I'd like to say that I would die for God ( '', Father, Son, Holy Spirit). I believe I would. I realize the saying is easy, and the doing is harder. Nonetheless, I truly believe I'm not only ready to give up all things to live my life for Christ, but also ready and willing to die for Him. In fact, dying for Him is easier than living for Him!

Now, that said, if God were to have a wife in store for me...I would do the same for her.

'There is no greater love than for a man to lay down his life for his friends.'

I want to be willing to risk everything, even death, for those I love. Be that God, my family, my friends, or anyone else. I want a wife who would readily trade everything (barring her relationship with God, as that stands FAR above all other things) she had and was for me, and I the same for her. I'm talking about someone who literally joins together with you in life. That you're no longer a 'solo' act.

What's the benefit? Having both a relationship with God, and a relationship with a woman which is the closest reflection to relationship with God!!! I'm talking about the good, bad, and ugly of choosing someone (apart from God) to value over all others, and live life with or even die for if necessary!

Who cares about the risk?! To be a 'real' Christian takes TONS of risk!

If you want a business standpoint, then take it this way...the higher the risk, the bigger the gain. There is a chance also to lose, but that's the game. You can't 'win big' by playing it safe. I'd rather try and fail, then never try at all.

So, all that said, I hear what you're saying, but marriage is not the arranged financial institution once known in Western culture. It is a risk for the possibility of either the highest returns or losses. The real question is, are you willing to play? You can either take the risk, or leave the game.

As Christians, though, we cannot 'have both'. Those who want to leave the game but still be in sexual're breaking the rules. There are consequences to breaking the rules, and knowingly or not, we'll have to pay (good or bad) for all that we've done.
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Senior Member
Aug 12, 2011
these divorced women also make me wonder if they'd do it again, if I decided I wanted to marry them and make one of them my wife. Would they also divorce me, since they seem to value marriage so little? I'm sure not all would, as I know how to treat them better than probably any man they dated before, but divorce is almost never an action that the man takes anymore.
Dude, you don't have to trust women in general, in order to get married. You just have to trust one woman. Surely you know one lady in your life (perhaps a sister, mom, aunt, grandmother) who sets a Godly example, and gives you hope that not every girl wants to treat men like trash?

My question to women and men, is basically this: What can we do to fix this problem of marriage and divorce?
If I'm being honest, it comes down to a lack of love. We can't fix the problem at large, because people will be people. But in one specific marriage, love covers a multitude of sins. If both people love each other like they should, I don't think there will be a reason to stress about statistics, and what everyone else is or isn't doing.


I can't help but think that there are way more important things than marriage to worry about.
As 1 Corinthians 7:29 says,"From now on ,brothers,is that the time is short.From now on those who had wives should live as though they had none."
I geuss the point of the verse in context is that if you are saved, you have been commissioned to take the gospel to the ends of the earth to people who otherwise will have to face Gods wrath with no defense on the final day.
I think that in the church, there is an idolatrous preoccupation with marriage and family.We no longer live in an era where consecrated singleness is considered as a valid option for a more productive and fruitful life of service to Gods kingdom.
Yes, I know that the apostle Paul says that it is better to marry than to burn with passion - but one can pray for the gift of singleness and celibacy.
If you have been called to marriage, God will provide the right person in his time.Divorce is then not to be seen as an option by either party, rather a God centred devotion to being in a gospel partnership.
Singleness has its challenges but can be a simpler more efficient way of focusing on things of eternal importance and making your mark in this life and in the life to come.
Here are a few verses to consider:

*"But if you do marry, you have not sinned and if a virgin marries she has not sinned.But those who marry will face many troubles in this life and I want to spare you this. 1 Corinthians 7:28

*"For some are eunuchs because they are born that way, others ere made that way by men and others have renounced marriage for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.The one who can accept this should accept it."Matthew 19:12

Referring to eunuchs , Isaiah 56:5 says,"to them I will give within my temple and its walls a memorial and a name better than sons and daughters, I will give them an everlasting name that will not be cut off."

*"So the man who marries his woman does what is good, but the man who does not marry her will do better."1 Corinthians 7:38.


Senior Member
Jun 29, 2012
Thats assuming any of us feel called to be single....


Thats assuming any of us feel called to be single....
Well, reason and logic say that there are excellent reasons to consider it as an option.I don't think a calling is some mystical, thunder from heaven kind of thing.
Did you even bother to read my post?


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2011
I mean I connect with nonchristians better most of the time. Mostly because other than religion I have more in common with them...
Nautilus, why do you call yourself a Christian? I mean, if being a Christian isn't important in a potential significant other, why is it important that you personally are one?


You are forgetting that God made WOMAN for MAN..he was to be the head of the family to take care of her like ..Men was created first and because God seen he needed a companign he gave her Eve. Also did God not tell the man he would work harder all the days of his life? Yes woman got a punishment too. But man HAS HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD.. and if her chooses to let the WOMAN rule, thats on him. Because God meant for him to be in charge and keep his family intact spiritual finacialy. Yes I agree somethings are on fair? But if you didnt like the way God created things ,who are you to disagree when u are just the clay and he is the potter?

I can’t really tell from your post to whom it is addressed. Since it appears just after mine, as I indicated in my disclaimer, I don’t want there to be any misunderstandings. My posting of Genesis 2 (which states that woman was created to be a helper and companion for man) and Ephesians 5:25-33 (which sets out how a man is to treat and care for his wife) clearly indicate that I have no problem whatsoever with the plan God has established for marriage. J God bless!

If, however, your post was directed at the OP, please disregard this post. J


Yeah I agree with you... That's why God gave Eve to Adan.. :)


Senior Member
Jun 29, 2012
Nautilus, why do you call yourself a Christian? I mean, if being a Christian isn't important in a potential significant other, why is it important that you personally are one?
I mean I would like for a mate to be christian but not if thats all we have in common. In my years I have just found myself to have more in common with nonchristians as far as hobbies, interests, politics, and entertainment choices.


Dude, you don't have to trust women in general, in order to get married. You just have to trust one woman. Surely you know one lady in your life (perhaps a sister, mom, aunt, grandmother) who sets a Godly example, and gives you hope that not every girl wants to treat men like trash?
Of course I see this, but it is predominantly the older generations. I can easily find this in my mother, my grandmother, etc. I cannot easily find this in any woman my age. It simply is like finding a needle in a haystack.

If I'm being honest, it comes down to a lack of love. We can't fix the problem at large, because people will be people. But in one specific marriage, love covers a multitude of sins. If both people love each other like they should, I don't think there will be a reason to stress about statistics, and what everyone else is or isn't doing.
I've been in plenty of relationships, so I know how many mistakes I've made in the past. That's not the point though. What it made me realize is how little love truly matters, because love is one aspect to a marriage that certainly isn't what holds it together. Most people divorce BECAUSE they think love is all that matters.

Let me put it this way to you: You get into a relationship and you fall in love. That love state lasts for maybe a year or so. After that, you gradually and NATURALLY move into a stage of friendship/companionship. Ask any older relative or someone like that who has been married for 50+ years. All of them will tell you how love gradually transforms into something else. It isn't passionate love that is what brought them together, but a friendship and companionship kind of love that keeps them together. Most people my age don't understand that this is a natural process, so as soon as that passionate love leaves (it never leaves completely, but certainly diminishes), they run for the hills thinking they are no longer in love. It's simply immaturity, and that immaturity is perpetuated by society and it's values. The same goes for beauty as well, since our society values beauty and sex above all else, but no one seems to realize that those things fade in time.

To simply blame it on love is wrong, in my opinion. To simply blame it on a man's values is also wrong. To blame it on what a man isn't doing for the woman is wrong. To simply blame it on what a woman isn't doing for the man is wrong. Even combining all of those things won't give you an answer.


I mean I would like for a mate to be christian but not if thats all we have in common. In my years I have just found myself to have more in common with nonchristians as far as hobbies, interests, politics, and entertainment choices.
I agree with Nautilus in this post. I don't think a lot of Christian women really realize how they push men away when they can't seem to accept a personality outside of church. Non-Christian women tend to focus on things outside of religion, so they have interests and personalities that aren't solely focused on God. Basically, what I think he's saying, and what I'm for sure saying is that no man wants to marry a nun. No man wants to feel they are on the white throne judgement everyday of their lives, because their spouse can't shut up about scripture in how THEY interpret it. It's that same feeling non-Christians get about Christians who go door to door, constantly preaching and telling them how they are going to hell for this or for that. Judgement is NOT supposed to be a Christian trait, but the large majority do it even unconsciously. I truly don't believe any Christian on earth is living a Godly life in the way the Bible teaches, so I don't think anyone can truly judge another based on their practice of Christianity. Anyway, it's the same reason I don't log into these forums everyday of my life. I have other real life aspects going on than to talk about scripture. I know scripture, and I can apply it to my everyday life. I can pray constantly, but that doesn't mean I want to talk about it constantly. Christian women seem to not be able to do things outside of that, because the conversation always goes back to the same things. How can you truly get to know who someone is on the inside, if they are too afraid to discuss any of it until they get married? How stupid and counter-productive can you get? How is a man supposed to get to know you, if you are too afraid to talk about deeper things with him, because you think only your husband should know you personally? How do you expect to be married at that point, and secondly, how do you expect to open up to your future husband when you couldn't open up to anyone else? That makes it even harder for a man to want to marry you, because he'll never know the kind of person he is going to get. Add in everything I discussed in the original post, and you'd be hard pressed to find a man with common sense who will take that plunge.

Oh, and psychologically speaking, not every personality is a match whatsoever, so to simply say that men or women aren't Godly enough in their marriages, is wrong and short-sighted I think. If you believe that all science is actually proof of God's existence, than you'd be able to realize that psychology is a real thing, and personality types simply don't all match. Hypothetically, they all can, but it takes so much more work for specific types to work out, and there are a whole spectrum of things that are involved beyond that to decide a match. Some people simply think on different wave lengths, because they process information differently. They view the world from different perspectives. Some people will never, ever fully understand each other, because they simply cannot process the same information in the exact same ways, so even when in agreement, they clash. Relationships are so much more complicated than just "pray about it" and "you aren't being Godly enough!" or "you don't go to church enough!"


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2011
I mean I would like for a mate to be christian but not if thats all we have in common. In my years I have just found myself to have more in common with nonchristians as far as hobbies, interests, politics, and entertainment choices.
I was more curious what the term "Christian" meant to you, and why you identified as one. But I don't want to derail the thread, so I'll drop it.


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2011
It isn't passionate love that is what brought them together, but a friendship and companionship kind of love that keeps them together. Most people my age don't understand that this is a natural process, so as soon as that passionate love leaves (it never leaves completely, but certainly diminishes), they run for the hills thinking they are no longer in love. It's simply immaturity, and that immaturity is perpetuated by society and it's values. The same goes for beauty as well, since our society values beauty and sex above all else, but no one seems to realize that those things fade in time.

To simply blame it on love is wrong, in my opinion. To simply blame it on a man's values is also wrong. To blame it on what a man isn't doing for the woman is wrong. To simply blame it on what a woman isn't doing for the man is wrong. Even combining all of those things won't give you an answer.
I wasn't talking about passionate love, actually.