OH MAN EVER SINCE i BECAME SINGLE EVERYONE WANTS FOR THEIR DAUGHTER! LOLZ!!!!!!! they even go as far as to bring the girls to my house, picture this I'm chillin in my room and I'm well in bedroom attire XD and the chicks just barge into my room like nothing! Im all like whaaaaaa??? my dad is always jokin with everyone at church or I hope he is lol :my son is single again! bhuahahaha!"... that gets old and some people are way too pushy!! my way out of it is to say I'm actually talkin to someone right now... or I'm gonna ask this girl I like to be my gf soon and so on lol. (btw my dad's a pastor so he always try's to hook me up with some other pastors daughter) sometimes I want to make a public anouncement on tv "I CAN GET MY OWN GIRL!!!!" lol I actually run away from the really pushy ones LOLZ! XD