Man this is interesting. I actually wish someone would try to set me up. I guess I am the only one on here looking forward to companionship.
For instance, the last time I was set up sometime last summer, some good friends of mine, very well-meaning, set me up with a Christian guy (I was very excited about this potential date--he'd been on ministry teams, served in worship, worked in YWAM--Youth With A Mission--in his teens, etc.)
But, they didn't really know him well enough to realize the disaster that was about to ensue--i.e., the fact that this guy told me (on a first, and blind date, no less) about several personal issues from his former marriage, such as, how his ex-wife would bribe him to do this or that by promising certain private times alone together... and when he looked right at me and said, "I would LOVE it if you tried to bribe me," I was ready to get up and walk out of the restaurant.
These are the kinds of match-ups we're all lamenting over.
I doubt there is any one of us out there who wouldn't LOVE to be set up with a COMPATIBLE, DECENT person (who isn't sex-crazed, for instance.)
Believe me, you wouldn't want to be set up on a date like this. At least, I hope not!