But can't manage the "on/off" switch on the most basic vacuum cleaner???
Why is it that some guys can completely gut and revamp an engine, making it 20 times more powerful... but yet that toilet seat remains standing at attention?
And why do guys have an obsession with wanting women to serve them sandwiches... But then can't seem to muster the strength to wash, dry, and put away the plate??? (I'm willing to compromise if he offers to buy all the paper plates and plastic cups and cutlery.)
Yes, I'm having a bit of fun here. And kudos to all you guys who DO clean carpets, maintain bathrooms, and actually wash (and put away) the dishes.
*Don't tell the guys, but I'm actually hoping for a bit of reverse psychology here--I figure if we tell the men they "can't" or "don't" do something, we're going to see lots of posted photos of our CC gentlemen doing these very things as a way of protesting!!*
Real men, doing real housework? Hey, what can I say, dreams die hard.

I think the better word is either WON'T or DON'T. Most men are physically and mentally capable of doing all of these things, they just won't or don't. Some have never had to do them (mom or some other woman did them for him), some don't care if they are done at all. And yes, real men do housework, just as real women go to work and help bring home the bacon.