The very basic point im trying to get across is that the Bible has all we need to have peace of mind, we dont need anything else to keep our non physical parts, soul and spirit 'healthy 'if you like.
I have a lot of inner conflict in my life. No matter what my mind touches (what I think, or read), my head always manages to make it more confusing. I was born with a different type of high intelligence, not necessarily making me "smarter", but it means I think about things differently, more right-brained and intuitively, I can notice deep things that most people ignore, and it makes me feel lonely. And it sort of handicaps me in other areas of my life. I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child, and for those of you who believe the myth that everyone outgrows ADHD, it isn't true. It is how your mind is wired from birth, and it stays all your life.
When I was 18, I would read the bible a lot, trying to make sense of things. And some of the things I must have misread, because as usual, my mind added more complication to the words and wanted to understand more than it was saying in simple words.
It's almost like the MORE complicated something sounds, the more easy it is for me to understand. It's like a symphony of flow. But if something is described in partial, it's like getting information with holes in it and all you can see is the holes. It seemed like there should be more explaining of what the bible puts "simply".
I ended up feeling horrified at some of the things I read, because to me I translated it like the bible was proving that my mind is perfectly, geniusly, brilliantly designed for me to think myself to hell no matter what I do.
I was terrified that I couldn't control my thoughts, I realized I was not in control of the scary things I was thinking. I started doubting God against my own will, it felt like someone else was thinking for me, but it was me. I couldn't stop me. Everything started to feel so alien and artificial, just the thought of there being no God turned my whole universe upside down. And at the same time I felt horrible because I thought "if God is real, he'll see me thinking like this and I'll be punished for what I can't control" because the bible made it sound like all unbelievers will be punished no matter what.
Reading the bible made me feel sad and isolated, because it made it seem as if God only paid attention to people with "normal" minds that behave and accept things "as is" without questioning them.
I remember sitting alone on my floor, praying to God that he would kill me now while I'm young, to stop the self destruction of my own mind, because I knew I could not control it. I knew if I died young, I could still get to heaven. I felt like if I go on, I will go to hell because of my uncontrollable thoughts.
And despite all this....yes, despite all of what I just said, I am still an optimist at heart. There is a shining optimism deep within me that sneaks up and comforts me when I have a break in thoughts accidentally. I got to know this optimistic side when I was in my 20's. I read some things that might be considered "Godless" that have saved my mind, not because of what they represented, but because they spoke my "language". I used what I needed, and regurgitated what I did not.
It actually led me back to learning how to control my thoughts better, and after I learned skill in controlling my thinking, I was once again able to start seeking out God again.
I learned that I'm actually a very spiritual person, that I have a CHOICE to call on God if I am brave enough to let him fix my life.
I had revelations that were more beautiful than I can explain, and I am not sure I want to share them here because I don't want people to say "yeah right" and try and take that away from me. I learned that I was created different for a beautiful purpose, that all of us are created for different purposes, and we shouldn't compare why that person thinks this, why they think that, etc. Sometimes God gives us psychological problems, not to "overcome" but to
use to our advantage, even if it's also full of many disadvantages.
The disadvantages turned out to be a gift, because they force me to be humble (well, aside from when I slip up and get stubborn hehe

My very long, drawn out point is, not everyone is the same, and not ALL forms of learning about psychology is "evil", sometimes learning why you are needed here can save another life from being destroyed later on.
Not everyone is ready for the bible the same time as others. For some they may need to mature their minds for a few years or a decade before they are ready to understand.