Call me a grinch if you like, but it seems like at times that we live in an 'un-reality TV' world, where everything is about sensationalism, me too me too me too, and look at me look at me look at me! IMO true dignity and quality intimacy seems to have left the building. I don't get it. Maybe I'm just being old and grumpy š
I think you're right on -- about the sensationalism

It's ridiculous.
Look... the man has to make an effort. But, he also ought to know the woman he's proposing to and what she'll find meaningful.
I honestly never understood why it's tradition that the man needs to spend all this money on a big huge ring and make it into some huge public event. To each their own... Whatever each couple decides on together is great. I was in a store today and saw some beautiful rings for about $30. Yeah, I realize they might turn your finger green, but they sure were pretty.
For my own self, I would always have to find a way to make it even if possible.
I recently had a discussion about all of this with a guy friend, as he was asking me what I felt was acceptable to spend on an engagement ring, etc. I told him that I knew whatever I asked a guy to spend on a ring, I'd have to save up the same amount myself in order to buy him a gift of approximately equal value.
For instance, the friend I was talking to about it has his eye on an Apple watch and an IPad, and I told him, wouldn't you feel at least slightly resentful if, whenever you looked at that huge honking ring on her finger, would have to think, "She's basically wearing my Apple watch and IPad right on her hand."
I know here in Singles we've had all kinds of talks about whether or not women should be traditional housewives and not work, but for me, I would always have to have my own source of income for as long as possible, precisely for situations just like this.
I'm a firm believer in, "If he's going to make such a colossal effort for me, I have to find some equivalent to show I appreciate him and his efforts just as much."
But these are just my own beliefs, born out of a lifetime hearing men talk about how women take them to the cleaners.
Even with my "on-again, off-again grade school boyfriend," I was determined not to be one of those women.
And I'm not definitely not saying that women who believe in the tradition of a man spending a lot of money on a ring and proposal are automatically wrong, it's just that as with a lot of things in life, I just have a different outlook.