Some things are worth the risk. Reading post after post from folks who haven't a clue what they're talking about and NOT speaking up has been extremely frustrating. We're supposed to edify one another. Those who know the importance of intimacy within marriage need to speak up. We're called to it. There are too many anti-marriage junky posts out there. If creating this thread helps only only ONE young person to see this topic in a godly light rather than a legalistic one and, and as a result, enters into a healthy, trusting maritial relationship down the road, or helps someone not feel like trash for having certain feelings about intimate matters within the bonds of marriage, it will be worth dealing with whatever bonehead muckrakers show up and insist on bringing the discussion down to a stripclub level. I'm sure the highhorse riders will be along soon too, but ...just remember the childless pediatrician thing when they do and consider the source.

Some topics separate the sheep from the goats. We're not too blind to see which is which, are we?

There has to be a reason God put this on my heart so strongly. It would be a sin for me to ignore the call, so I just put my big girl pants on and went for it. Hopefully, others will do the same.